There are 13 letters in "the world topic". This includes 2 ts and 2 os. Therefore there are 13!/[2!*2!] = 1556755200 different arrangements.
There are 12 two letter arrangements of the letters in PARK.
The largest Roman numeral number that can be made without using a bar is 3,999, which is represented by the letters MMMCMXCIX.
The largest number you can write using Roman numerals without an overline at any symbol is 3999 (MMMCMXCIX), and the largest possible number is 3999999 (MMMCMXCIXCMXCIX, with an overline over the first nine letters.
There are 13 letters in "the world topic". This includes 2 ts and 2 os. Therefore there are 13!/[2!*2!] = 1556755200 different arrangements.
There are 12 two letter arrangements of the letters in PARK.
That's eight letters, so: 8! = 40320 different arrangements. n! means "factorial", and the expression expands to n*(n - 1)*(n - 2) ... * 2 * 1
There are (1*5*4)*(3*2*1) = 120 arrangements.
720 (6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2)
There is no direct anagram. The largest of the 18 English words using those letters are "timing" and "minty".
The largest Roman numeral number that can be made without using a bar is 3,999, which is represented by the letters MMMCMXCIX.
As with the Roman alphabet, which you may be familiar with it (since you are using it to read this answer), different letters have different symmetries.