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Q: Can you make the perimeter of your shape go up but the area go down using grid?
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How do you find the perimeter and area of a composite figures?

Break the composite shape down into simple units. Find the perimeter and area of each and then add these up as appropriate. If the shape cannot be broken down easily you may have to rely on integration or numerical methods.

What is the relation between perimeter and triangle area?

If you double (2 times) the perimeter the area will will be 4 times larger. Therefore the area is proportional to the square of the perimeter or the perimeter is proportional to the square root of area. The relationship as shown above applies only to triangles with similar proportions, that is when you scale up or down any triangle of fixed proportions. Other than that requirement, there is no relationship between perimeter and area of any shape of triangle except that it can be stated that the area will be maximum when the sides are of equal length (sides = 1/3 of perimeter).

If two shapes have the same perimeter will they have the same area?

Not at all. For example:A square of 2 x 2 will have a perimeter of 8, and an area of 4. A rectangle of 3 x 1 will also have a perimeter of 8, and an area of 3.A "rectangle" of 4 x 0 will also have a perimeter of 8, but the area has shrunk down to zero. The circle has the largest area for a given perimeter/circumference.

Do the two rectangles with the same perimeter always have the same area?

No. Take a square with each side 9 feet long. The perimeter is 9+9+9+9 = 36 ft and the area is 9 x 9 = 81 square feet. Now squash the square down a bit so that it is a 7 x 11 rectangle. The perimeter is still 36 ft, but the area is now smaller at 77 square feet. Squash it right down to just 1 ft tall by 17 ft wide and the perimeter is still 36 ft, but the area is now just 17 square feet. So for any given perimeter, the closer the shape of a rectangle is to a square, the larger will be the area.

Can you make the area your a shape go up and perimeter go down?

My Daughter got this for homework, she was in year 3. I think you would be older than her. Figure it out or ask for help. Don't look for answers on

What shape has a perimeter of 9cm?

Any plane shape. Take a piece of string and tie it into a loop of length 9 cm. Put in down on a flat surface. Then move bits of the loop in and out - every one of the shapes you make will have a perimeter of 9 cm.

What different shapes have the same perimeter?

Can you describe the question more?? What kind of shape? How much perimeter do you need? If you narrow it down, there would be less answers. Right now there are too many answers. Narrow it plz.

How many different ways are there to find the area of an irregular shape?

You can name it or break it down

How can draw a square using the rectangle tool?

Hold the SHIFT key down when inserting the shape.

Can different rectangles have the same area and perimeter?

It's very easy for two rectangles to have the same area and different perimeters,or the same perimeter and different areas. In either case, it would be obvious toyou when you see them that there's something different about them, and theywould not fit one on top of the other.But if two rectangles have the same area and the same perimeter, then to look at themyou'd swear that they're the same rectangle, and one could be laid down on the otherand fit exactly.

What is a shape in drama?

basically it means when you are being a shape whether you are lying down and being ab object for an example a bath

A Norman window has the shape of a semicircle atop a rectangle so that the diameter of the semicircle is equal to the width of the rectangle. What is the area of the largest possible Norman window with a perimeter of 45 feet?

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step. Let ( r ) be the radius of the semicircle, which is also the width of the rectangle. The perimeter of this figure (Norman window) is given as 45 feet: The perimeter, ( P ), is the sum of the parts: the semicircle's circumference and the perimeter of the rectangle. The semicircle's circumference: ( \pi r ) The perimeter of the rectangle: ( 2r + 2r = 4r ) So, the total perimeter equation is: [ \pi r + 4r = 45 ] This simplifies to: [ \pi r + 4r = 45 ] [ (\pi + 4) r = 45 ] [ r = \frac{45}{\pi + 4} ] Now, we need to find the total area of the figure. The area of the semicircle is: [ \frac{\pi r^2}{2} ] The area of the rectangle is: [ r \times 2r = 2r^2 ] The total area, ( A ), is the sum of these two parts: [ A = \frac{\pi r^2}{2} + 2r^2 ] Substitute the value of ( r ) derived earlier: [ A = \frac{\pi (\frac{45}{\pi + 4})^2}{2} + 2(\frac{45}{\pi + 4})^2 ] Calculating this would give the area of the largest possible Norman window with a perimeter of 45 feet.