yes it called a carrot look at the number 6 and push shift and the six button
A calculator can convert numbers that appear as decimals into numbers that appear as fractions. Fractions are generally considered more easy to use then decimals.
If you have a computer, you already have the calculator that is part of the computer's program.
If the calculator has the option for fractions, it will usually have a key labelled "a b/c". Use this "fraction" key to input fractions. For example, to input 1/2, type 1 (fraction) 2; to input 3 1/2 (three and one-half), type 3 (fraction) 1 (fraction) 2. If the calculator DOES NOT have the option for fractions (though most modern scientific calculators do), you can write the fraction as a division; for example if you type 2 / 3, you get two divided by three, which is the same as the fraction 2/3. In such a case, the calculator will show the result in decimal, though.
Check the manual of your specific calculator. What I have seen is usually something like the following: The calculator tends to automatically show fractions as mixed fractions. The calculator has a "fraction" key, often labelled ab/c. Pressing the "shift" key (or some similar key for "extra functions") followed by the fraction key will often to the desired conversion in the other way (from mixed to improper).
Divide the denominator into the numerator. Multiply the answer by 100.
How to add fractions on a texas instruments TI-81
You multiply the numerators across and put that as the numerator of your answer, then multiply the denominators of the fractions across the put that as the denominator of your answer. It is very easy.
look for the A B/C button and press the first number, then the button then the second
A fractions calculator can be bought online or from your local supplies store. A dedicated agent will be happy to show you the calculator that you need for math.
with a calculator
if you are looking to put it into a decmial then enter the fraction and press enter then F D artows are inbetween it.
Type it into a calculator
A calculator can convert numbers that appear as decimals into numbers that appear as fractions. Fractions are generally considered more easy to use then decimals.
If you have a computer, you already have the calculator that is part of the computer's program.
If your calculator is a scientific one then just press the S<=>D button
It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.
The Royal Bank mortgage calculator does include fractions in its calculations even though they are not shown. This is why the figures do not add necessarily up to what they ought to logically. Not using fractions keeps it cleaner for the user.