

Can you reduce probability

Updated: 12/8/2022
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Q: Can you reduce probability
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Maybe. The probability is low as an IUD will reduce the chance of implantation just by being there.

If you have a regular 52 card deck of cards what is the probability of picking an ace from it?

4 out of 52 which reduce down to 1/13

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You reduce the terms the same way you reduce an ordinary fraction, by finding the greatest common divisor and dividing both numbers by that divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor is 4, so you divide by 12 and 52 by 4, giving you 3 and 13, so if the probability of drawing a face card is 12 in 52, it is also 3 in 13.

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You are given a deck of cards if you randomly pick one card what is the probability of drawing aspade reduce answer to lowest terms?

13/52, or 1/4.

What is the probabilty of drawing a 3 from a deck of 52 cards?

There is a 4 in 52 probability (reduce to 1 in 13) of drawing a '3' from a 52-card deck.

What is the probability of picking a seven or an eight?

What do you mean? LIke for example, if you have a bag with the follow: 888887777775 The probability would be 11/12 666778999999 The probability would be 1/4 (3/12) You take the number in total and that is your denominator(Number on bottom) You take the total number of sevens and eights and that is you numerator(Number on top) Than reduce as needed.

What is the probability of drawing either a jack or queen?

If you use a normal card set, it would be 8/53 chance, because it it 4 queens an 4 Jacks (8 in total) and 52 cards to pick between. If you reduce it, the probability would be 2/13.

Reduce type 1 error?

Accept lower p-values (meaning lower in magnitude; values tending toward zero).--And don't forget that by reducing the probability of getting a type I error, you increase the probability of getting a type II error (inverse relationship).

What does it mean to find the compliment of the probability of an event?

The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.