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The answer depends on the operation.

The absolute value of 2/3 is not the same as the absolute value of 3/2!

It does work for subtraction, though.

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Q: Can you reverse the numbers inside an absolute value symbol?
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Which numbers have an absolute value of 7?

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What symbol represents the operation of absolute value and why is a common symbol needed?

The symbol for the operation of absolute value is |n| but I don't know why a common symbol is needed.....

What is the symbol for absolute value in math and how to use them?

The symbol for absolute value in math is two vertical bars on either side of a number or expression. To use absolute value, you remove the negative sign from any negative number and keep the positive sign for positive numbers. For example, the absolute value of -10 is 10, and the absolute value of 5 is 5.

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Think of a number line. The larger numbers are to the right and the smaller number to the left. For instance, five is less than seven. (5 < 7). When you multiply by a negative number, then the numbe with the larger absolute value is on the left, and the number with the smaller absolute value is to the right. (-5 > -7).

What is the symbol for reverse?

a U turn arow

What symbol is in excel?

There is no symbol for "actual" in Excel, but there is a function to display absolute value (ABS).

What is Actual symbol in Excel?

There is no symbol for "actual" in Excel, but there is a function to display absolute value (ABS).

What is the symbol used for irrational numbers?

There is no specific symbol. The symbol for real numbers is R and that for rational numbers is Q so you could use R \ Q.

What symbol represents that a cell is an absolute in a function or formula?

A dollar sign is used to indicate absolute references. An absolute reference will always have two dollars: $A$2 If there is only one dollar like $A2 or A$2 then it is a mixed reference, not an absolute reference. If there are no dollars like A2 then it is relative.

What is the symbol for adding two numbers together?

+ is the symbol for adding two numbers together.It is usually called the plus symbol.