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The answer depends on the operation.

The absolute value of 2/3 is not the same as the absolute value of 3/2!

It does work for subtraction, though.

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Q: Can you reverse the numbers inside an absolute value symbol?
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Which numbers have an absolute value of 7?

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What symbol represents the operation of absolute value and why is a common symbol needed?

The symbol for the operation of absolute value is |n| but I don't know why a common symbol is needed.....

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What is the symbol for absolute value in math and how to use them?

the symbol is 2 vertical lines surrounding a number this number can not be negative. for ex: |7| this means that the number can be either 7 or -7. it can also be more than one number. ex:|7+5| = 12 or -12

What is the symbol for reverse?

a U turn arow

What symbol is in excel?

There is no symbol for "actual" in Excel, but there is a function to display absolute value (ABS).

Explain in your own words why it is necessary to reverse the inequality symbol when multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number Provide an example to support your explanation?

Think of a number line. The larger numbers are to the right and the smaller number to the left. For instance, five is less than seven. (5 < 7). When you multiply by a negative number, then the numbe with the larger absolute value is on the left, and the number with the smaller absolute value is to the right. (-5 > -7).

What is Actual symbol in Excel?

There is no symbol for "actual" in Excel, but there is a function to display absolute value (ABS).

What is the symbol used for irrational numbers?

There is no specific symbol. The symbol for real numbers is R and that for rational numbers is Q so you could use R \ Q.

What symbol represents that a cell is an absolute in a function or formula?

A dollar sign is used to indicate absolute references. An absolute reference will always have two dollars: $A$2 If there is only one dollar like $A2 or A$2 then it is a mixed reference, not an absolute reference. If there are no dollars like A2 then it is relative.

What is the symbol for adding two numbers together?

+ is the symbol for adding two numbers together.It is usually called the plus symbol.