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the symbol is 2 vertical lines surrounding a number this number can not be negative. for ex: |7| this means that the number can be either 7 or -7. it can also be more than one number. ex:|7+5| = 12 or -12

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8mo ago

The symbol for absolute value in math is two vertical bars on either side of a number or expression. To use absolute value, you remove the negative sign from any negative number and keep the positive sign for positive numbers. For example, the absolute value of -10 is 10, and the absolute value of 5 is 5.

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Q: What is the symbol for absolute value in math and how to use them?
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If you are talking about math then its usually " x " but if that is already use in the expression and you want to use another symbol to represent a DIFFERENT number then you can use y or a or so on.

How do you insert the absolute value symbol in word?

On most English language keyboards, the absolute value symbol can be created by using the vertical slash symbol "|" - which you get by holding down the shift key and pressing the key that would otherwise get you the backslash symbol "". On most keyboards it's right above the ENTER key. You have to use the symbol twice, just like you would with brackets and parentheses. |x| = absolute value of x. Alternatively you can insert an equation by going to the "insert" tab, selecting "object" from the text section, then selecting Microsoft Equation from the dropdown menu and clicking OK. Once you are in the Equation editor, you can select the absolute value symbol from the "fence templates" located in the lower left corner of the dropdown menu in the current version of Word.

Use absolute value in a sentence?

Absolute value is a number's distance from zero on the number line.

How is absolute value inequalities used in real life?

Hi, my daughter's math teacher recommended a website to his students. It has a lot of math video lessons on various math topics, including the one you need help with. Please click the below link 'Free absolute value inequalities video'. It is all FREE to use! It was very helpful for my child. Hope it will help you, too. Good luck!

How can we use the ABS function in Excel?

ABS returns the absolute value, so you use it any time you want to view or calculate with the absolute value.

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use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world

When it is necessary to use the absolute value symbol to represent a square root?

At any time when you need the positive square root, for example when working out triangle sides using Pythagoras

How can you use a number line to solve an absolute value equation?

An absolute value may not need a number line to solve. Absolute value means the distance form zero regardless of the sign.

What symbol represents value or value creation?

There are an infinite number of symbols that can represent value or value creation. You could use a bird as a symbol for example.

HOW Can you use absolute to represent a negative number in a real-world situation?

use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world

How does a cashier use math?

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