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When straight lines are perpendicular to each other they create right angles of 90 degrees

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Q: Can you show me a example of a perpendicular question?
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Can you show me what perpendicular is?

Perpendicular means "at right angles to". L is an example of two lines that are perpendicular to one another.

Example for perpendicular lines?

|_ example of a perpendicular line is shown above:

Example of two lines that are perpendicular?

perpendicular means 'at 90 degrees to' for example a 'T'

Real life examples of perpendicular lines?

An example of a perpendicular line is a 4 way intersection at a stop sign. Another example would be a window that has 4 smaller squares in it.

What is the side of perpendicular look like?

Nothing. A perpendicular is an adjective, not a noun. A perpendicular, by itself, cannot exist. A perpendicular bisector, for example, does not have any sides.

How can intersect but not perpendicular?

When lines cross at 90 degrees, they are perpendicular. Anything less than 90 degrees, or anything more than 90 degrees, is not perpendicular. An example of a perpendicular intersection would be a plus sign + . An example of a non-perpendicular intersection is the letter X . Hope this helps.

Does a dodecagon has no pair of perpendicular sides but has pair of perpendicular sides?

The question contradicts itself. A dodecagon need not have any perpendicular sides.

Example of perpendicular?

standing on the floor Perpendicular is when a straight line is 90 degree to another line

can you show a picture of a perpendicular line?

No, but a diagram of twoperpendicular lines:|||--------------||Two lines are perpendicular if they meet at 90o.

Can you show me perpendicular line segments?

Perpendicular line segments intersect at right angles. For example, the horizontal and vertical axes on a coordinate plane are perpendicular line segments. In geometry, you can identify perpendicular line segments by measuring the angle they form at their intersection, which should be 90 degrees.

A line is perpendicular to another line when?

A line is perpendicular to another line when it is at an angle of 90° to the other line. + (that plus sign is an example of a perpendicular line)

How are perpendicular lines different from a intersecting lines?

They are not. The perpendicular bisectors of a triangle, for example, intersect at the orthocentre of the triangle. So perpendicular lines can be intersecting and conversely.