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Absolutely ! There are many solutions - the lowest is... 1999-999=1000

*Side note* Actually, the solution when looking for the lowest value of the term that still gives you a four-digit differance, has to be found in the answer of 1100 - 100 = 1000, since 100 is the - using your word- "lowest" value of a three digit-number, as well as 1000 being the "lowest" four-digit number.

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Q: Can you subtract a 3 digit number from a 4 digit number and get a 4 digit number as the answer?
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Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.

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