Yes you can. Envision a beehive - it is made of regular hexagons.
An [equilateral] triangle, square and hexagon are the only regular polygons which, by themselves, will tile a surface.
Yes it can tile. * * * * * No, they cannot.
no, u all suck
A regular octagon cannot tile a flat surface, it needs squares as fillers. An irregular octagon can tile a flat surface alone.
If it's interior angle is a factor of 360 then it will tessellate such as a square, a regular hexagon and an equilateral triangle.
An [equilateral] triangle, square and hexagon are the only regular polygons which, by themselves, will tile a surface.
A regular hexagon will tessellate.
Yes it can tile. * * * * * No, they cannot.
no, u all suck
A regular octagon cannot tile a flat surface, it needs squares as fillers. An irregular octagon can tile a flat surface alone.
A regular hexagon cannot make a 3d figure because a regular hexagon tessellates. As a result t will make a large tiled surface. If the hexagon is not regular then the side elevation will depend on the shape of the hexagons and how they are configured.
Regular polygons with 5, 7 or more sides.
If it's interior angle is a factor of 360 then it will tessellate such as a square, a regular hexagon and an equilateral triangle.
Hexagonal prisms cannot be regular. If you tried to make one it would end up being a hexagon since six equilateral triangles make a hexagon. Therefore, there is no surface area.
A 6 sided hexagon polygon can be regular or irregular.