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No, you cannot use math in English unless you are referring to statics and graphs.

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Q: Can you use math in English?
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Who agrees that math is better than English?

me because you can actually use it.

How much math do anesthesiologist use?

They usually only need basic math. However, if you're trying to avoid doing math, you should brush up on your English and Grammar. Your question should read in one of two ways: How much math does an anesthesiologist use? or How much math do anesthesiologists use?

Why do we do English Math?

There is no such thing as English Math. If it were English then it would be English Maths. In any case, mathematics is universal.

What kind of math do English teachers use?

The language and usage of mathematics is universal which is the same as everywhere.

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Everybody uses a comma, except the English-speaking nations.

How are math and English different?

English is a language and Math is a science (of numbers, short for 'mathematics').

Is math useful in life?

Of course it is! You can use it in shops when you are dealing with money. It is also a great way to count all your Christmas presents!! :) :D ;) :P (jk)!!If you live in America, two things you need to survive to have any job are math and English. Math is used in everything for calculations and English is to speak to people.You can use it in any country not just America

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Why do people who like math and science dislike English and history?

Although there are definitely many who enjoy a combination of the four (perhaps they like math and history but despise English and science), math and science generally go together just as English and history do. Math and science are both research based fields that require in-depth studying and a heavy use of problem-solving. English and history, on the other hand, are more on-the-surface subjects that require less in-depth studying.

How does engineering use math as a job?

Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!

What is the English of pakopya naman sa math?

Can I copy during math?

I want all sign of math in English with definitions?

You can get all the math signs in English with there definition by visiting the following link: