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Q: Can you write a number after a full stop?
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What is the trick on Peters Answers?

The trick is to type in a full stop where it says question. After typing the full stop you write the answer t your question. Press enter and....

How do you write o.56 in words?

It is o full stop fifty six.

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A number in the millions has how many periods?

When you write a very large number, say seven digits, then you place a COMMA ( NOT a period) , at every third number. e.g. # 1234567 = 1,234,567 The period/Full stop is only used to delineate decimals.

Do you put a full stop after a number?

If it is at the end of a sentence then yes however if not then no

What does English language consists of?

Letters and the occasional number and full stop :)

How do you write 3.3 million in full?

As a number: 3,300,000 = 3.3 million

What is expanded numeral?

A number expressed in expanded notation is when a number is expressed in its full form

How do you write 10 million?

In words it is 'Ten million'. In numbers it is '10,000,000'. For millions, there must be at least six digits after the number. For a number such as 123,456,789. The is written as ' One hundred and twenty three million, four hundred and fifty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine'. NB For every three digits you insert a COMMA. not a full stop/period. Full stops/periods are only used to separate a number from its decimals. e.g. 123,456.789 The '789' is now in the decimal component.

Should the number 10 be spelled out?

You should write it in full in any formal or academic writing.

How do you properly write fifty five thousand?

55000 or 55,000. Sometimes, the comma separator (for thousands) is replaced by a full stop, or a space.