

Best Answer

I looked so hard to find minus b

And then I saw a and b

I computed the factors by solving square root

But only my teacher could give real hoot

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Q: Can you write a poem about solving a quadratic by factoring?
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How do you write a poem on quadratic equations?

The numbers of solutions to a quadratic is two This we know always to be true. A, B, and C are often there But A must be greater than zero to be fair If A is 0 in quadratic You might be ecstatic But then it becomes a line So never mind. Never forget the plus or minus square root Or your answer will get the boot. Remember that you can always complete the square That's a method that's totally fair. Now we end this poem about a quadratic Hope you found the info pragmatic

What is a you can't write a poem poem?

It is a poem which tells you that you can't write a poem. :)

What is the easiest poem a child can write?

they can write a haiku or a shape poem

How do you do the valentines poem on Fantage?

you need to write a poem

Write a poem using at least 2 analogies?

write a poem using at least 2 analogies

Show you how to summerize a poem?

To summarize your poem you are supposed to make it short and write what you think is in that poem. Remember to make it short and write the authors name.

How do you write a poem on a thirsty crow?

To write a poem about a thirsty crow, you can start by describing the crow's desperation for water, its clever solution to solving the problem, and the satisfaction it feels after quenching its thirst. Use vivid imagery and personification to bring the crow to life in your poem. Remember to focus on the crow's journey and emotions to create a compelling and engaging piece.

How do you write a adventure in a poem?

you would have to write an ode.

What can you write in a poem for your daddy?

Anything you want to! Write about your feelings, write about something fun you did together, write about how you admire him, write about what you hope to be in the future -- anything emotional will be a great poem for you daddy.

How do you write a French poem?

Answer it!

Can you write a poem?

Anyone can write a poem when you put your mind to it.... Think of a word... For example: dolphin and carry on from there. You try.....