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Absolutely. It won't be hurt as badly as not paying, but your credit report usually shows a status that reads "pays as agreed." If you're paying less than the minimum amount due each month, you're not paying as agreed and your credit can get dinged.

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Q: Can your credit be damaged by paying less than what is due on time?
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Can a credit card company sue for paying less than the minimum?

Yes, a card company can sue you for paying less than the minimum amount because you are violating the terms of the agreement. They will not sue you unless you are very far behind or owe a lot of money.

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If you pay less than minimum amount on credit card what happens?

You do not want to waste you time paying less than the minimum on your credit card. Paying less than the minimum is like paying the bill late. It won't count. For example, if they ask for a minimum payment of $10 and you pay only $9 the credit card company will bill you a late charge then your finance charges will go up by the following month! This will cause you unnecessary problems. Avoid this by always paying the minimum at least. Do not waste your time paying a bill if it's not the right amount. Pay at least the minimum amount. Always! If the credit card asks you for a minimum payment of $10 and you only pay $9.99 , the payment will not count. You will create problems for yourself! What happens is they will add a late charge to your card. It's like not paying at all. Also, they can add higher finance charges! avoid this for yourself.

Does paying off a loan help your credit score?

It can help if your indebtedness is high such as too many credit cards and high balances, a car note and mortgage payment. You DIR (debt to income ratio) determines your credit worthiness. To buy property, it should be less than 35%. With the housing crunch and foreclosures at an all time high, less than 30% would be better. On the other hand, if the loan is all you have, paying it off might not be so good. Creditors consider on-time paying habits essential. No outstanding credit doesn't show you pay bills on time.

What is the best way to improve bad credit reports?

There are no quick fixes to improving bad credit reports. The best thing is to slowly rebuild credit by paying bills on time, paying more than the minimum on credit cards, and avoiding common credit traps.

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Making monthly payments on a no interest loan is way better than paying it off in full if you are looking to improve your credit score.

Can you stop paying your credit cards if you are dying?

If you die than you won't have to dumbo

Is bad credit erased in 7 years?

NO. If you have bad credit, it will only be erased if you make it better. Paying bills on time, paying more than is due on payments and staying within your spending budget is a way to build your bad credit into good credit.

Will paying an old closed account raise credit more than paying an old open one?

== == There is no difference in credit score increase if you pay a close or open account off. Paying an account is always a good idea, and eventually it will increase your score.