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open-ended lease :) A+

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Q: Which type of lease could result in the customer paying hundreds or thousands of dollars if the residual value is less than expected at the end of the term?
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What is the residual for the point (36)?

A residual is defined in the context of some "expected" value. There is no information in the question regarding expected values.

What is weighted residual method?

In estimating a linear relationship using ordinary least squares (OLS), the regression estimates are such that the sums of squares of the residuals are minimised. This method treats all residuals as being as important as others.There may be reasons why the treatment of all residuals in the same way may not be appropriate. One possibility is that there is reason to believe that there is a systematic trend in the size of the error term (residual). One way to compensate for such heteroscedasticity is to give less weight to the residual when the residual is expected to be larger. So, in the regression calculations, rather than minimise the sum of squares of the residuals, what is minimised is their weighted sum of squares.

What is the difference between the stochastic error term and the residual?

the residual is the difference between the observed Y and the estimated regression line(Y), while the error term is the difference between the observed Y and the true regression equation (the expected value of Y). Error term is theoretical concept that can never be observed, but the residual is a real-world value that is calculated for each observation every time a regression is run. The reidual can be thought of as an estimate of the error term, and e could have been denoted as ^e.

What is the definition of residual disability?

Basically it is a continuation of your prior disability claim.

How many syllables in residual?

There are 4 syllables. Re-sid-u-al.

Related questions

What type of lease could result in the customer paying hundreds or thousands of dollars if the residual value is less than expected at the end of the term?

Open ended lease

What is the residual for the point (36)?

A residual is defined in the context of some "expected" value. There is no information in the question regarding expected values.

Which type of lease does not require the customer to pay any extra money if the residual value is lower than expected at the end of term?

closed ended lease

What is the primary factor that may cause the residual value of a leased vehicle to be less than expected?

excessively high mileage

What is cost plus residual value?

Cost plus residual value is a method used to evaluate the worth of an asset based on both its original cost and its expected residual value at the end of its useful life. The residual value is the estimated value an asset will have at the end of its useful life, which is then added to the original cost to determine the total value or worth of the asset.

What type of lease does not require the customers to pay any extra money if the residual value is lower than expected at the end of the term?

closed ended lease

is this true Residual value means the actual cash one receives at end of life of asset?

Residual value is the value of the asset that they are likely to recover at the end of the life of the asset. It is the value that is expected to be at the end. But its not necessarily that we realise the amount at the end of the period. It can be more or less than that.

What is a residual lake?

Lakes which are made by residual rocks which are left after weathering and erosion and form the residual lakes.

What is a residual haunting?

A residual haunting is a playback of a past event.

Who does Residual income of a firm belongs to?

The residual income of the firm belongs to

What is the functional residual capacity FRC composed of?

Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) = Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) + Residual Volume (RV)

What is weighted residual method?

In estimating a linear relationship using ordinary least squares (OLS), the regression estimates are such that the sums of squares of the residuals are minimised. This method treats all residuals as being as important as others.There may be reasons why the treatment of all residuals in the same way may not be appropriate. One possibility is that there is reason to believe that there is a systematic trend in the size of the error term (residual). One way to compensate for such heteroscedasticity is to give less weight to the residual when the residual is expected to be larger. So, in the regression calculations, rather than minimise the sum of squares of the residuals, what is minimised is their weighted sum of squares.