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1234 to the base 6 = (1 x 63) + (2 x 62) + (3 x 61) + (4 x 60)

Note : Usually the two final terms are written as (3 x 6) and either (4 x 1) or just 4.

(1 x 63) + (2 x 62) + (3 x 61) + (4 x 60) = 216 + 72 + 18 + 4 = 310 in decimal notation.

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Q: Change 1234 base 6 to decimal notation.?
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The decimal numeral system (also called base ten or occasionally denary) has ten as its base. Decimal notation often refers to a base-10 positional notation.

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In math, that may either refer to changing the base of the number system (for example, change from decimal (base 10) to binary (base 2)); or it may refer to changing logarithms, from one base to another - for example, common (base-10) logarithms to natural (base-e) logarithms.

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No, if you shift the decimal point to the left, the exponent of base 10 is positive. The exponent of base 10 is negative if you shift the decimal point to the right.

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In PEN mode (not sure full name), 184 in DEC (normal) = 1214 in PEN. This is the closest possible answer. 1234 in PEN is 194 in DEC

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3542 base 7 is equal to 1304 base 10 (decimal).

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