To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:
Move the decimal 2 places to right to change any decimal to a percent. Reverse, move decimal 2 places to the right to change any percent to a decimal. Knowing this should show that they represent the same quantities.
Move the decimal 2 places to the left.
7.5 percent is equivalent to 0.075 in decimal or 15/2 in fraction.
0.02 as a percent and as a decimal = 2% ; 1/50 0.02 * 100% = 2% 0.02 * 100/100 = 2/100 or 1/50
move decimal over 2 times
2 is what percent of 15= 2 / 15= 0.133333Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.133333 * 100 = 13.33%
20% is .2 as a decimal.
To convert percent (%) to decimal: 1. Remove the % sign. 2. Divide the percent rate (%) by 100. Example: 15% = 15/100 = 0.15 in decimal
To change % to decimal: 1. Remove the % sign 2. Divide the percent by 100 or simply move the decimal point 2 places to the left.
Move the decimal 2 places to right to change any decimal to a percent. Reverse, move decimal 2 places to the right to change any percent to a decimal. Knowing this should show that they represent the same quantities.
Move the decimal 2 places to the left.
To change decimal to %: 1. Multiply the decimal by 100 or simply move the decimal point 2 places to the right. 2. Add the % sign
Decimal to percent- move the decimal 2 (two) places to the right and add the percent sign. percent to decimal- move the decimal 2 (two) places to the left and take away the percent sign.
62 1/2%= 62.5%= 0.625 in decimal
you take the decimal and change it into a percent by moving the decimal 2 times to the rightDivide by 10034% = 0.34
7.5 percent is equivalent to 0.075 in decimal or 15/2 in fraction.
0.625621/2 %:= 62.5% ÷ 100= 0.625 in decimal