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Q: Choose the absolute value equation or inequality whose solution matches the graph -9 and 9 are plotted closed circle on the graph. Is it x equals 9 or x equals -9 or x greater than or equal to 9?
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If you replace the equal sign of an equation an put an inequality sign in its place is there ever a time when the same value will be a solution to both the equation and inequality?

Yes, when the inequality has a less that or equal to sign, or a greater than sign or equal to sign, then the equal sign can be replaced and get a solution that is common to both the equation and the inequality. There can also be other solutions to the inequality, where as the solution for the equation will be a valid one.

How does solving linear inequality differ from solving linear equation?

Linear inequalities are equations, but instead of an equal sign, it has either a greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or a less than or equal to sign. Both can be graphed. Solving linear equations mainly differs from solving linear inequalities in the form of the solution. 1. Linear equation. For each linear equation in x, there is only one value of x (solution) that makes the equation true. The equation: x - 3 = 7 has one solution, that is x = 10. The equation: 3x + 4 = 13 has one solution that is x = 3. 2. Linear inequality. On the contrary, a linear inequality has an infinity of solutions, meaning there is an infinity of value of x that make the inequality true. All these x values constitute the "solution set" of the inequality. The answers of a linear inequality are expressed in the form of intervals. The linear inequality x + 5 < 9 has as solution: x < 4. The solution set of this inequality is the interval (-infinity, 4) The inequality 4x - 3 > 5 has as solution x > 2. The solution set is the interval (2, +infinity). The intervals can be open, closed, and half closed. The open interval (1, 4) ; the 2 endpoints 1 and 4 are not included in the solution set. The closed interval [-2, 5] ; the 2 end points -2 and 5 are included. The half-closed interval [3, +infinity) ; the end point 3 is included.

How is an equation different from an inequality?

In an equation, what is to the left of the equals sign equals what is to the right. In an inequality, the left side is either less than, greater than, less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to the right side.

Is -6 a solution to the inequality x is greater than or equal to 6?


How are equations different from inequalities?

Equations are statements that state two expressions are equal, while inequalities are statements that state two expressions are not equal, meaning one is greater or less than the other. The graph of the solution set of an equation is a line or a curve, while the graph of the solution set of an inequality is a region at one side of the boundary line or curve obtained by supposing that the inequality was an equation.

Related questions

If you replace the equal sign of an equation an put an inequality sign in its place is there ever a time when the same value will be a solution to both the equation and inequality?

Yes, when the inequality has a less that or equal to sign, or a greater than sign or equal to sign, then the equal sign can be replaced and get a solution that is common to both the equation and the inequality. There can also be other solutions to the inequality, where as the solution for the equation will be a valid one.

Is a number an expression equation or inequality?

A number is an expression. It is not an equation, or an inequality, since it doesn't have an equal sign, or an inequality (greater than, less than, etc.) sign.

How does solving linear inequality differ from solving linear equation?

Linear inequalities are equations, but instead of an equal sign, it has either a greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or a less than or equal to sign. Both can be graphed. Solving linear equations mainly differs from solving linear inequalities in the form of the solution. 1. Linear equation. For each linear equation in x, there is only one value of x (solution) that makes the equation true. The equation: x - 3 = 7 has one solution, that is x = 10. The equation: 3x + 4 = 13 has one solution that is x = 3. 2. Linear inequality. On the contrary, a linear inequality has an infinity of solutions, meaning there is an infinity of value of x that make the inequality true. All these x values constitute the "solution set" of the inequality. The answers of a linear inequality are expressed in the form of intervals. The linear inequality x + 5 < 9 has as solution: x < 4. The solution set of this inequality is the interval (-infinity, 4) The inequality 4x - 3 > 5 has as solution x > 2. The solution set is the interval (2, +infinity). The intervals can be open, closed, and half closed. The open interval (1, 4) ; the 2 endpoints 1 and 4 are not included in the solution set. The closed interval [-2, 5] ; the 2 end points -2 and 5 are included. The half-closed interval [3, +infinity) ; the end point 3 is included.

Is -6 a solution to the inequality x is greater than or equal to 6?


How is an equation different from an inequality?

In an equation, what is to the left of the equals sign equals what is to the right. In an inequality, the left side is either less than, greater than, less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to the right side.

Is 3x 114 an equation or an inequality?

3x = 114 is an equation because it states that two expressions are equal to each other, whereas an inequality would involve a greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to sign.

What is the equation called when you use greater than less than or equal to?

This is called an inequality.

Is -5 a solution to this inequality x3?

"x3" is not an inequality. An inequality will have one of the following signs: less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, greater-than-or-equal. for example: 3x - 5 < 15

How are equations different from inequalities?

Equations are statements that state two expressions are equal, while inequalities are statements that state two expressions are not equal, meaning one is greater or less than the other. The graph of the solution set of an equation is a line or a curve, while the graph of the solution set of an inequality is a region at one side of the boundary line or curve obtained by supposing that the inequality was an equation.

On a graphed inequality is a point that is on the line part of the solution?

It depends upon the inequality. All points on the line are those which are equal, thus:If the inequality is (strictly) "less than" () then the points on the line are not included; howeverif the inequality is "less than or equals" (≤) or "greater than or equals" (≥) then the points on the line are included.

When will the graph of an equation inequality be a dotted line?

The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>). If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (≤), "greater than or equal to" (≥) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.

Is -4 the solution of an inequality x-4?