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Triangles all have 3 sides and 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees they fall into 5 classes which are:

Scalene which has 3 different acute angles

Right angle which has a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles

Obtuse which has an obtuse angle and 2 acute angles

Isosceles which has 2 equal angles and another angle of a different size

Equilateral which has 3 equal angles each measuring 60 degrees

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Q: Classification of triangles according to size?
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Classification of angles according to sides?

Triangles can be classified either according to their sides or according to their angles. All of each may be of different or the same sizes; any two sides or angles may be of the same size; there may be one distinctive angle. Classification by sides includes equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.

What are the classification of triangles?

Equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angle triangles.

What do you understand by classification based on size?

Classification based on size refers to grouping or categorizing items or entities according to their physical dimensions. This can be done by separating them into different size classes or ranges to simplify comparisons and analysis.

How any triangles in a trapezoid?

There can be any number of triangles in a trapezoid. It all depends on the size of the triangles and the size of the trapezoid.

How many triangles are in a 5x5 grid?

depends on what size triangles and what kind of triangles?

Classification of triangle?

Classification of triangles according to sides: -Scalene Triangle - a triangle with no 2 congruent sides. -Isosceles Triangle - a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides. -Equilateral Triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent sides. Classification of triangles according to angles: -acute triangle - a triangle with 3 acute angles. -right triangle - a triangle with one right angle. -equiangular triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent angles. -obtuse triangle - a triangle with one obtuse angle.

How many small triangles can cover a square?

It depends entirely on the size of the triangles and the size of the square.

What do you call triangles that are the same size and shape?

congruent triangles

What are triangles that have same shape and not same size called?

Similar triangles

What kind of triangles are not congruent?


How many triangles can fit in a hexagon?

The answer depends on the size of the triangles relative to the size of the hexagon. flippant answer: infinite answer you are probably looking for: 6