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Q: Compose a response to Winston's question. Do you feel that you have more freedom now than you had in those days?
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What are the difference between static degrees of freedom and dynamic degrees of freedom?

Mass and damping are associated with the motion of a dynamic system. Degrees-of-freedom with mass or damping are often called dynamic degrees-of-freedom; degrees-of-freedom with stiffness are called static degrees-of-freedom. It is possible (and often desirable) in models of complex systems to have fewer dynamic degrees-of-freedom than static degrees-of-freedom.

Degree of freedom in super structure?

a superstructure has negative degree of freedom... ;0

What is the degree of freedom is the probability is 0.05?

There is no direct relationship between degrees of freedom and probability values.

Why freedom is not absolute?

One could argue from a purely philosophical standpoint that freedom can never be absolute as we are all products of both our nurture and nature. It could be argued that it must follow therefore that there is an element of predetermination to our actions. This broad category (history, politics & society) does cover philosophy but I can not be certain that you are meaning the question in this sense. Therefore, ignoring a philosophical debate, the simple answer is that freedom is not absolute as society has found that it functions best when there are laws to govern (and therefore restrict and control) people's behaviour.

Does t-distribution rely on degree of freedom?

Yes. The parameters of the t distribution are mean, variance and the degree of freedom. The degree of freedom is equal to n-1, where n is the sample size. As a rule of thumb, above a sample size of 100, the degrees of freedom will be insignificant and can be ignored, by using the normal distribution. Some textbooks state that above 30, the degrees of freedom can be ignored.

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Art of freedom is the freedom of the art?

only you can answer that question.

What was the Kennedy administrations response to the freedom riders?

The Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, sent John Seigenthaler to accompany the Freedom Riders

What was the Kennedy's administration response to the freedom riders?

The Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, sent John Seigenthaler to accompany the Freedom Riders

What is one right of freedom from 1st amendment?

freedom of press, freedom of religion and freedom to petition

What was Kennedy's administration response to freedom writers?

The Kennedy administration supported the Freedom Riders' right to protest nonviolently against segregation on interstate buses. They intervened to protect the Freedom Riders when they faced violent attacks in the South and enforced federal laws to ensure their safety. The administration also ordered the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban segregation in bus and train stations in response to the Freedom Riders' efforts.

This was done in response to the violent reactions whites had against the Montgomery Bus Boycott and against the?

Freedom Rides

What is first right or freedom from the first amendment?

if i understand the question correctly three are freedom of speech, press, and freedom of religion. hope this answers it ok

What is a Universal Question in Anne Frank?

There are a few universal questions that are universal like the freedom from oppression and the freedom of religion .

Freedom is not a question of doing as you like but it is rather a question of doing as we should.?

FREEDOM is not doing what we should. Doing as we should is possibly self concessional righteousness....coming from an atheist though.

Did slaves have pets?

The answer to this question is no, most slaves did not have the freedom to have pets.

Is there freedom in Istanbul?

Yes.Answer 2The question needs to be qualified, i.e. freedom to do what? or freedom from what? For example, in Istanbul, the media is relatively free. Religious worship is generally free. However, there is no freedom for civilians to carry weapons.

What is the value of a 1976 American freedom train coin?

good question