

Composition of proxyvon

Updated: 12/20/2022
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15y ago

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dextropropaxyphene and acetaminophen

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Q: Composition of proxyvon
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Why is the tablet ace-proxyvon used?

Ace-Proxyvon has the active ingredients aceclofenac, paracetamol, and rabeprazol. It is used for treatment of pain, inflammation, and fever.

Is spasmo proxyvon available in kolkata?

in delhi yes

Can you take 2 capsules of spasmo proxyvon?


Is spasmo-proxyvon a narcotic drug?

The brand name Spasmo-Proxyvon is the drug dicycloverine (dicyclomine hydrochloride)- it is not actually a narcotic, but rather an acetylcholine blocker used as an anti-spasmodic.

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spasmo proxyvon,dexedrine,

Is spasmo proxyvon available in you a e?

Spasmo Proxyvon is a combination drug containing dicycloverine, paracetamol, and tramadol. It may not be available in all countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is important to check with local pharmacies or healthcare providers for availability in the UAE.

Spasmo proxyvon has any side effects?

death is the last one first one is unconventional unhappiness

How do you stop abuseing spasmo proxyvon drug?

I have been taking spasmo proxyvon for the last 2 years..i really want to stop please help There are drug rehab programs all over the country. Your doctor may know of one; but you can also research online. Probably, you cannot do this yourself, because withdrawal may need medical intervention.

Effects of spasmo proxyvon?

ITs heaven, one should try it and enjoy the gift. All the arsewipes who say they are addicted they dont know how to use this product. This is divine. My name is emerson balk and i love this thing.

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