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No, it is not. In 1837, the French mathematician, Pierre Laurent Wantzel, proved that it was impossible to do so using only compass and straightedge.

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Q: Constructing a cube with double the volume of another cube using only a straightedge and compass was proven possible by advanced algebra.?
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Constructing a cube with double the volume of another cube using only a straightedge and compass was proven impossible by advanced algebra?

True (APEX) - Nini :-* GOOD LUCK .

Trisecting a line segment by using only a straightedge and compass was proven impossible by advanced algebra?


Trisecting a line segment by using only a straightedge and compass was proven impossible by advanced algebra.?

You don't need advanced algebra to prove that it is impossible to trisect a line segment using only a straight edge and a compass: anyone knows that you will also need a pencil! And one you have that then there are plenty of easy ways to do it.

Constructing a cube with double the volume of another cube using only a straightedge and compass was proven possible by advanced algebra?

false. Apex = true! it was impossible! ^^^ YOU ARE WRONNGG! Apex= False. Person who says true just costed me a wrong answer!! Youre welcome for who ever else needs this question CORRECT! Which if you didnt catch it the first time its FALSE.

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Advanced math

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Algebra A and B Are Only The Beginning Of An algebra Level

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Adv. is accelerated most likely.

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William R. Gondin has written: 'Advanced algebra and calculus madesimple' 'Advanced algebra and calculus'

Is pre algebra advanced for seventh grade?

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intermediate algebra is like medium difficulty. advanced algebra is harder for some people. that comes down to opinion... but advanced algebra teaches a more difficult or higher level math. its kind of like learning high school math in middle school, or college math in high school.

What is the difference between algebra 1 and alebra 2?

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