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asia,Africa,North America,south america, antartica, europe,Australia

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Q: Continents arranged in descending order of their areas?
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Which of the continents are arranged in descending order of their areas?

Asia Africa N America S America Antarctica Europe Australia

A collection of pitches arranged in ascending and descending order constitutes a?

A collection of pitches arranged in ascending and descending order constitutes a scale.

Data arranged in ascending or descending order?

numerical order

Is descending order from high to low?

Numbers are said to be in descending order when they are arranged from the largest to the smallest number.

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its arranged by ascending and descending order.........

What are all of the continent's land areas?

The continents by land area in descending order are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

Put these eruption types in order from most destructive to least destructive.?

When eruption types are arranged from most destructive to least, it is in descending order.

Which way is ascending and descending?

Ascending means increasing in value or moving higher, while descending means decreasing in value or moving lower. In a numeric sequence, ascending would go from lowest to highest, while descending would go from highest to lowest.

How many such digits are there in the number 27561493 each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the number?

None of them. The digits, arranged in descending order, are: 97654321 9 is 1 digit from the start 7 is 2 digit from the start etc So none.

Put these eruption types in order from most destructive to least to destructive?

When eruption types are arranged from most destructive to least, it is in descending order.

Put these eruptions types in order from most destructive to least destructive?

When eruption types are arranged from most destructive to least, it is in descending order.

Order the numbers 7.033 7.034 7.031 0.739 from greatest to least?

Arranged in descending numerical order, these numbers read: 7.034 7.033 7.031 0.739