1 cubic foot = 0.028317 cubic meters. Multiply length x width x depth to find cubic feet and convert. 50 x 20 x 6 = 6000 cu ft x .0283168466 = 169.9 cu meters
Use this formula: gallons per minute x 0.227 = cubic meters per hour
A kilometer is 1000 meters. So 20 kilometers x 1000 = 20,000 meters.
The conversion factor is .277. So, cubic meters per hour x .277 = liters per second
15 cm equals 0.15 meters. Accordingly, the volume is 300 multiplied by 0.15. The result is 45 cubic meters.
To convert cubic feet to cubic meters, multiply the number of cubic feet by 0.0283168. So, to convert 20 cubic feet to cubic meters: 20 ft^3 * 0.0283168 = 0.566336 cubic meters.
Cubic feet x 0.028317 = cubic meters.
8000 meters multiplied by 20 meters equals 160,000 square meters.
Cubic inches x 0.0000164 = cubic meters
cubic meters x 1,000 = liters
liters x 0.001 = cubic meters
1 cubic foot = 0.028317 cubic meters. Multiply length x width x depth to find cubic feet and convert. 50 x 20 x 6 = 6000 cu ft x .0283168466 = 169.9 cu meters
To convert square meters to cubic meters with a given depth, you need to multiply the area (in square meters) by the depth (in meters). In this case: 200 square meters * 0.10 meters (10 cm = 0.10 meters) = 20 cubic meters.
mL x 0.000001 = cubic meters
Multiply cubic feet by 0.0283 to get cubic meters.
Like so: cubic meters x 1,000 = liters
To convert cubic feet to cubic meters, you multiply the volume in cubic feet by 0.02832. Therefore, 45 cubic feet is equal to 1.27 cubic meters.