1 BTU(ISO) = 1,054.5 Joules 1 Joule = 0.00094832 BTU(ISO) (rounded)
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
CMH is a unit of flow rate (m3/hr or cubic metres per hour) A BTU is a British Thermal Unit, a unit of energy that is equal to around 1055 joules. You cant convert the two as they are a measure of different things, but changing BTU (or Btu) to joules will help standardise the calculations.
Not possible. Square feet is area measuring unit. BTU is energy measurement unit.
Btu / scf = Btu / lb X MW / 379.5 where: MW = molecular weight of the gas, lb / lb-mol The constant 379.5 is the molar volume at standard conditions of 14.696 psia and 60°F
To convert Cubic Feet to Btu's, multiply by 1,000 1 CF = 1,000 Btu's
1 cfh = 1 mbh
To convert cubic feet per hour (cfh) to BTU (British Thermal Units), you would need to know the heat content of the gas being used. If we assume natural gas with a heat content of 1,000 BTU per cubic foot, then 3000 cfh would be equivalent to 3,000,000 BTU per hour.
175,000btu, you bell-end
There are 36,000 cfh (cubic feet per hour) in 36 mbh (thousand British thermal units per hour).
If your furnace is less then 50000btus then yes.
Typically Natural gas req 10:1 air to gas ratio. therefore 150,000 btuh= 150 cfh so air required would be 1500 cfh air.
Converting CFH to CCF is hard, and there are several online converters to improve this operation. However, the general rule of thumb for conversion is: 1 Therms (u's) to Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas = 99.9761.
1 BTU = 1,055 Joules
To convert megawatts thermal to Btu, you can use the conversion factor of 1 MW (thermal) = 3,412,141 Btu/h. Therefore, to convert, simply multiply the number of megawatts thermal by 3,412,141 to get the equivalent in Btu.
To convert 5.10 kW to BTU, you can use the conversion factor of 1 kW = 3412.142 BTU/hr. Therefore, 5.10 kW is equivalent to 17427.252 BTU/hr.