To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Decimals don't have remainders.
Convert the absolute value of the decimal to a fraction and then put a minus sign before it.
0.2 a repeating decimal into a fraction = 2/9
Converting fractions to any kind of decimal is done in exactly the same way: divide the numerator by the denominator. The reverse of converting a recurring decimal to a fraction is done: Look at the digits that recur in the decimal. Count how many there are and then put the recurring digits as the numerator of a fraction with that number of 9s as the denominator. eg to convert 0.33333.... to a fraction, see that the recurring decimal is the digit 3, thus the fraction would be 3/9 = 1/3. eg to convert 0.09090909... to a fraction, see that the recurring decimal is 09 (or 9) and there are 2 digits (the leading 0 is important in counting the number of digits), thus the fraction is 09/99 or 9/99 = 1/11. eg: to convert: 0.142857142857.... to a fraction, see that the digits 142857 recur and there are 6 of them, thus it is 142857/999999 which reduces down (simplifies) to 1/7.
Convert the top (numerator) to decimal, and then convert the denominator to decimal. Octal fraction 15/26 is decimal (8+5) divided by decimal (16+6) = 13/22 decimal.
How to convert 0.99 from decimal to fraction
To convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). To convert a decimal (or fraction) to a percentage multiply it by 100 %.
Convert the fraction to a decimal and then multiply by 100.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Whether it is recurring or not depends on the fraction.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Decimals don't have remainders.
Convert the absolute value of the decimal to a fraction and then put a minus sign before it.
To convert a fraction into a decimal, simply divide its numerator by its denominator. For example to convert 5/8 to a decimal, divide 5 by 8 to get 0.625.
You have written it as a decimal. As a fraction it is 1/20.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
Convert the fraction into a decimal. Multiply the decimal by 100.