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Ok, im not positive about this but here is what i got. (ca=cos(a),sa=sin(a),cb=cos(b)ect)

ca=1/3 | ca^2=1/9 | sa^2=1-ca^2 | sa^2=8/9 | sa=.943

Sin(a)=.943 Cos(a)=.333 Tan(a)=2.832

sb=-1/2 | sb^2=1/4 | cb^2=1-.25 | cb^2=3/4 | cb=-.866

Sin(b)=-.5 Cos(b)=-.866 Tan(b)=.577




So that's what i got. If you have any questions or if you got a different answer you should email me. actually email me regardless, i want to see if i got it right.

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Q: Cos A equals one third. where A is greater than zero but less than pi over two. Sin B equals negative one half. where B is greater than negative pi over two but less than zero. Find Tan A plus B?
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