That could be the year 1BC.
Inch is the imperal unit of measuring lendth. Centimeter is the metric unit. One inch is 2.54 cm. So to get inch we divide cm by 2.54 Hence answer in inches is equal to 11.81
One foot is equal to 30.48 centimetres.
it could not only be hours it could just be howl ong you have worked there ex: 1 year
30cm is about 12 inches or 1 foot in length
Plants that grow after one year are perennials.
about 30cm
the length of one side cubed. For example, the height of a box is 30cm, breadth 30cm, width 30cm. =303 =30 x 30 x 30 = 27000cm3
My fingernails grow about 10mm each year. My toenails grow at about one-half that rate. The dimensions of a book could conveniently be given in mm.
Ive met one the size of 30cm but that was huge so bout 10 - 25 cm depending whether there mutants or not ;) Hope it helps :) Later peps
My fingernails grow about 10mm each year. My toenails grow at about one-half that rate. The dimensions of a book could conveniently be given in mm.
yes. they can grow crops twice a year thanks to the hot climate
30 centimeters is about one foot (11.81 inches).
every 24 hr
If it measures a maximum of 30cm, which most rulers do it's 15cm.
The places to purchase a 30cm range hood are many and varied. The best place to start would be Amazon. If you are on a tight budget, a good option to try would be eBay.