it could not only be hours it could just be howl ong you have worked there ex: 1 year
In an 8 hour 5 day a week job, there are 2010 hours. From this time, vacation, sick days, and paid holidays reduce the actual work hours considerably. Overtime does not add to the work hours scheduled.
You have to work for 8 hours!
He worked 30 hours.
Most jobs assume 2000 work hours per year because they assume 2 weeks of vacation or holiday, and 50 weeks of work. If you worked 40 hours a week for 50 weeks (and not paid for vacation time), you would work 2000 hours per year. To make $38,000 per year, you would need to make $19 per hour for those 2000 hours.
In an 8 hour 5 day a week job, there are 2010 hours. From this time, vacation, sick days, and paid holidays reduce the actual work hours considerably. Overtime does not add to the work hours scheduled.
You have to work for 8 hours!
You should only be paid overtime rates for work performed over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.
This is depending on how many hours they work and what they get paid an hour.
YOur employer can demand that you work whenever it needs you to work, as long as you are paid for all work time. VAcation is an unregulated gift from the employer.
17 hours on days that they work. If they are not working, they still get paid by the hour. many hours do you work?
You can work as long or short but probalty 25 hours a week
He worked 30 hours.
depending on the restaurant the chef works for depends on the amount of hours, if its a low paid chef they'd work about 7 hours and a high paid chef would work about 13-14 hours a day
Assuming you work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and with a 2 week paid vacation, approximately $17.5 an hour.