It depends on the bullet and its kinetic energy,
50 caliber certainly can.
It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.
It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 10 hours without resting. No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for 10 hours with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 4 days to travel 200 miles.
It doesnt matter how high it is, you could fall and hit your temple and kill yourself at ground level but its probably 1 story high that would kill you for good
I could tell you.....but then I'd have to kill you! LOL
There are many different types of poison that kill in different ways. Some block key processes in the body, others directly damage cells, and still others disrupt delicate equilibria in the body..
Yes, a bullet shot into the air can come down with enough force to cause serious injury or death. This is known as a "falling bullet" or "stray bullet" phenomenon, and it is important to never shoot a firearm into the air as the bullet can still retain lethal velocity when descending.
You need a silver bullet to kill a werewolf.
The distance a bullet will travel is almost completely dependent on the size/weight of the bullet, and the velocity of the bullet as it exits the end of the barrel. For instance, an average .22 caliber bullet shot from a revolver with an average barrel length (12.7 cm) can easily travel one kilometer and still be relatively accurate, and -- if the angle the gun was pointed and other given conditions are right -- up to two kilometers. Generally speaking, the larger caliber the bullet, and the smaller the exiting velocity, the slower -- and therefore shorter distance -- the bullet will travel. If you are asking for an effective kill distance for a revolver, that will predominantly depend on your skill with said revolver. If you can accurately shoot up to 200 meters with the revolver, then that is your effective kill distance. If you are only accurate up to 5 meters away, then that is your effective kill distance. The average individual with minimal training can typically hit 80% of shots taken on a body-sized silhouette at 20 meters.
A bullet penetration kill is when you kill someone thru a solid object, like a wall.
if they are virgins or werewolfs or vampires or Justin beiber then you have to kill them with a silver bullet
Yes. It has happened before.
Yes, any bullet can kill you. The amount of damage a bullet does depends on several factors, basically: where it hits you, how hard it hits you, and how big the bullet is (or how much it expands).
No. The recoil from such a gun would kill you. action and reaction. Bullet would stand still, gun would move.
Yes, any bullet of any caliber can be lethal.
with a silver bullet
A silver bullet.
There's no such thing as a "cow bullet." A bullet is a bullet, and it's purpose is for only one thing: to kill.