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Q: Could a function have multiple values of y for one value of x?
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Could a function have multiple values of x for one value of y?


What are limits in maths?

Limits (or limiting values) are values that a function may approach (but not actually reach) as the argument of the function approaches some given value. The function is usually not defined for that particular value of the argument.

What is heaviside function?

The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.

What is a rule that assigns a unique y value to every x value?

It is a function from the set of x-values to the set of y-values.

To evaluate a function for a specific value substitute the value in for what?

You substitute the variable for its value. Or you substitute the variables for each of the values.

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How can a function return multiple values in plsql?

You cannot return multiple values from a function. A function returns one or no values. That is the definition of a function. That said, you could have that one value be a pointer to a struct, or it could be a struct itself, and that struct could contain multiple values. You can also pass the function pointers to items in the caller's address space that the function could modify.

Could a function have multiple values of x for one value of y?


Is every relation a function?

No, not every relation is a function. In order for a relation to be a function, each input value must map to exactly one output value. If any input value maps to multiple output values, the relation is not a function.

What are limits in maths?

Limits (or limiting values) are values that a function may approach (but not actually reach) as the argument of the function approaches some given value. The function is usually not defined for that particular value of the argument.

What is the difference between min and max function?

The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)

What is the difference between high and maxinum in Excel?

Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.

The difference between a relation and function?

Very good question. The different between relation and function is a relation is simply that : any x-value to create y-value while a function, however cannot be defined for multiple values of x

Can you return multiple values from a function in C?

There are many approaches to this 'problem'. Since a C function is only allowed to return one value as the name of the function you have to provide parameters to the routine if you want multiple values to be returned.For example, traditionally you return a value thus:int Today () ;if (Today() == 2) Today (){/* Some logic */return value ;}So if you want multiple values, send parameters to the routine that can be changed:int Today (int * val1, int * val2, char * charValue) ;Then, call it:int first ;int second ;char third ;if (Today (&first, &second, &third) == 2)In this case first, second, and third can be changed inside the Today routine and return multiple Today (int * val1, int * val2, char * charValue){*val1 = 5 ;*val2 = 10 ;*charValue = 'Y' ;return 2 ;}

A statistical function that determines the smallest value in a group of values?

MIN function

What is the meaning of value when used in Microsoft Excel?

A value can refer to something typed into a cell. Usually it would be a number, but it could be other things, like a date. The values can then be used in functions as part of the spreadsheet. You could have a list of number values, and put a function that totals them. You could have a text value, and change it to upper case. You could find the different in days between two date values.

What is heaviside function?

The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.The Heaviside function is a discontinuous step function. It is 0 for all values less than some specific value. At and after that value, it takes the value 1. The Heaviside function can be used to represent an "Off-On" function.See link for more.

What function searches for a specific value in a table and returns that values relative position from the table not the value itself?

The MATCH function.