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Q: Could you assemble a ramp that allowed a ball that started at point a to rise to a height that would be higher than the line points a and b?
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Is the height of a ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes, the height of a ball's bounce is affected by the height from which it is dropped. The higher the drop height, the higher the bounce height due to the conservation of mechanical energy. When the ball is dropped from a greater height, it gains more potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy during the bounce resulting in a higher bounce height.

Does the height of a ball effect the bounce height?

Yes, the initial height from which a ball is dropped can influence its bounce height. The higher the drop height, the higher the bounce height is likely to be, as potential energy is converted into kinetic energy during the bounce.

How does the drop height of the ball affect the height of its bounce?

The drop height of the ball directly affects the height of its bounce. A higher drop height results in a higher bounce, as the potential energy transferred to the ball upon impact is greater, causing it to rebound higher. Conversely, a lower drop height will result in a lower bounce.

How does the height a boucny ball is dropped from effect the height it bounces to?

The higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce back. This is due to potential energy converting to kinetic energy upon impact with the ground, propelling the ball higher when dropped from greater heights. Ultimately, the bounce height depends on factors like gravity, air resistance, and the material of the ball.

Which is true for a counterbalance lift truck the higher the lift height?

Height does not affect capacity.

Does the height of a ball affect how much it bounces?

Yes, the height from which a ball is dropped affects how high it bounces back. The higher the drop height, the higher the bounce due to the increased potential energy the ball gains from the greater height.

Why did the introduction of the assembly line crucial of the succes of the model T?

The assembly line decreased the time it took to assemble a car and allowed Ford to not only cut the price of the car each and every year of production but also to pay his workers a higher salary that, at the time, was unheard of.

How does the height of a ball affect the height of its bounce?

The higher the drop height of the ball, the higher it will bounce due to increased potential energy. When the ball is dropped from a greater height, it gains more energy as it falls, resulting in a higher rebound height.

Is the height of a bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped (Variable)?

Yes, the height of a bounce is affected by the height from which the ball is dropped. The higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce back due to the transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy during the bounce.

Which describes how the IMA of this ramp compares with the IMA of the ramp that has a height of 1m?

The ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) of a ramp with a greater height will be higher compared to a ramp with a shorter height. This is because the IMA is calculated by dividing the length of the ramp by the height, meaning a higher height will result in a larger IMA.

What is the Alberta law regarding motorcycle handlebar height?

The Handlebars must be no higher then shoulder height

What is Max's height from the book Freak the Mighty?

I thinks MAxs height is 6 feet or higher.