That is 100 km per minute, or 6000 km per hour. The cruising speed for a passenger jet, for comparison, is around 1000 km per hour.
Approximately 630 meters per minute for the fastest humans.
5000/26 = 192.3 meters/minute = 3.205 meters/sec
400m. / 60s =6.66 m/s
yes someone probably can
No one can run a mile in a minute....
375 meters/per minute
no you just cant run so fast as your legs wont move that fast
Approximately 630 meters per minute for the fastest humans.
no because you have got a Ussain bolt and its not fast enough.
340 meters per minute. (This speed seems too high for any person or animal actually to run.)
360 meters per minute.
No. That would be a pretty fast speed.
5000/26 = 192.3 meters/minute = 3.205 meters/sec
If there are 1000 meters in a kilometer and a runner travels 125 meters per minute, that would mean the runner could travel one kilometer in 8 minutes (1000 / 125 = 8). If the runner is going to run 10 kilometers it would take (10 * 8) or 80 minutes to finish the 10 kilometers.
no this is impossible
400m. / 60s =6.66 m/s