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I started my period on the 25th it ended the 29th and then I started having pinky discharge but only when I wiped could that be implantation bleeding or is my period just not over?

It could be your period...... or ending your period

My period only lasted 12 - 15 hours what could this mean?

Well it could be that you are pregnant, so take a test. But you could just have had a short period

Where were dinosaurs located millions of years ago?

Towards the middle of the Cretaceous Period, dinosaurs had occupied every single continent, including the Antarctic and the poles. Finding an animal as large as a dinosaur at the south pole wouldn't be that big of a surprise, considering that the Earth was much warmer back then and that ice only came at the poles only for a few months every year. If the dinosaurs could migrate or hibernate, they could have lived anywhere on the globe.

Ive only had one day of your period could you be pregnant?


What does it mean if your period only lasted 5 hours?

it probably wasn'tyour period. Something else could have happened

Can you get pregnant at the beginning of your period but he uses a condom?

No. You can't get pregnant if your on your period! You could only get pregnant the week after your pregnant!

Could you be pregnant if your period came 50 days late and only for 2 days?

yes could

Your period lasted only two days could you be pregnant?

it depend did you have sex

What games can you play over computer?

you could play roblox, minecraft, millions of games

The month you were suppossed to have a period you only spotted for like 2 days and never had a period What could this be?

it could mean that ur prego (( if u have been snuggling clse to a guy)) or ur jsut having a late period

I had my period in the beginning of the month and I got it again July 28 and it was only 3days Why would you get your period twice a month?

it could be from stress

Your period only last 3 days the past two months could you be pregnant?

No. If you are pregnant, your period will not come until you have had the baby.