

Data measured in numbers

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Data measured in numbers
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What data that is measured or expressed in numbers?


What is qualititive data?

Qualitative data deals directly with descriptions; not numbers. This data can be observed and read but not measured since there are no numbers involved.

What is data are information about people places and things that can be measured with numbers?

It is quantitative data.

Numerical data are information about people places and things that can be measured with?


Give an example of quantitative data?

Quantitative data deals with numbers. It is data that can be measured. An example of this is: 51% of the world's population is female.

What is the definition of he qalitative observation?

Data that is based off of the amount and is measured in numbers.

What is data expressed in words not numbers?

Qualitative data - it describes observations such as colour, state of matter, smell, etc. which cannot be measured.Quantitative data is any data which has been measured / is expressed in numbers, e.g. volume, height, weight.

What is quantitive data?

Quantitative data is collective data that can be measured by numbers and qualitative is data that is are words and cannot be divided by numbers.This is true. Here is a more precise answer:Quantitative data can be classified as continuous or numerical.Continuous data could for example: time, weight, age etc...Numerical would be zip codes of a given area, phone numbers in a telephone book etc...

Can depth be measured in negative numbers?

No, it is measured in positive numbers but it can be represented by negative numbers.

Is hard disk the biggest storage media?

the amount of data,generally measured in numbers of bytes,that can be held by a specific storage media.

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data in statistics?

Quantitative data is data that is relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something, rather than its quality. ex: the number of people in a townQualitative data is data that can be captured that is not numerical in nature ex: the color of people's skin.Thus, essentially the distinction is that quantitative data deals with numbers and numerical values of what is being tested, where as qualitative data deals with the quality of what is being tested.Qualitative data's description cannot be describe in numbers. Quantitative data's description ca only be described in numbers.

What type of data is measured in numbers?

Quantitve observation (quality)... Qualitive observation involves the quality... THANKS MR. ENDRIS 2011LJHS