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pi is not is calculated. It is an unending number and millions

of digits have been calculated.

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Q: Decimal places of pi since 1999?
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How many decimal places of pi have been calculated since 1999?

1.24 Million didgets

What is the value of pi in decimal places?

Pi has an infinite number of decimal places

What is pi to five decimal places?

Pi to five decimal places is 3.14159.

What is the value of pi to 20 decimal places?

Pi is approximately equal to (to 20 places after the decimal) 3.14159265358979323846.

What is decimal for pi?

Pi is an irrational number and it is 3.14 to two decimal places

What is the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places?

the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places is 3.14159

How many decimal places of pi have been calculated 1999?

As of April 1999, 68.7 billion places had been calculated. As of September 1999, 206 billion places had been calculated.

What is the number of decimal places of pi calculated in 1999?

In April 1999, Yasumasa Kanada and Daisuke Takahashi calculated pi to 68.7 billion places. In September 1999 they improved that to just over 206 billion.The current record (in May 2016) is 13.3 trillion.

What is the accepted value of pi taken out to three decimal places?

pi = 3.142 rounded to three decimal places (the thousandths)

What is pi to value of 2 decimal points?

It is: pi = 3.14 in two decimal places

What is the amount of pi?

The website I linked below has pi up to a million decimal places.Pi can usually be approximated to 3.14159265.Nobody has solved the value of pi completely, since it is an irrational number that has an infinite number of decimal places.

What is pi to 5?

pi to 5 decimal places = 3.14159