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the controlled variables are the factors that are kept constant during an experiment. if they are not kept constant then they may affect the outcome of the experiment. the manipulated variable is the factor that is different between the experiment and the control. the responding variable is the variable that is being measured in the experiment.

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Q: Define manipulated responding and controlled variables?
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Define dependent responding variable?

A dependent (responding) variable is a condition that can change as the result of an independent variable's alteration. It can also be referred to as an effect. Every well-designed experiment has three kinds of variables. 1) Control variables, which are the same for each stage of the experiment. 2) Independent (manipulated) variables, which represent what is being changed by experimenters. 3) Dependent (responding) variables, which respond to the change and ideally are the direct result of the change in the independent (manipulated) variables.

Define responding variable?

condition that changes in response to the manipulated variable in an experiment.

What are variables in experiments?

In experiments, variables are factors that can be changed, controlled, or measured to observe their effect on the outcome. There are independent variables that are manipulated by the researcher, and dependent variables that are the outcome or response being measured. It is important to carefully define and control variables to ensure accurate and reliable results in experiments.

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an experiment in which only the manipulated and responding variable are allowed to change and conditions are kept the same.

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a factor that can be varied or manipulated in an experiment :) - Ashleigh

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yes we can define a variable in an interface in java.

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Operational definition

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Internal validity is higher when you stop confounding variables interfering with the experiment (things that effect the results). Internal validity occurs when a researcher controls all confounding variables and the only variable influencing the results of a study is the one being manipulated by the researcher. This means that the variable the researcher intended to study is indeed the one affecting the results and not something else.

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How would you define controlled group?

Controlled group is a group that is separated from the rest of the experiment. This is done in science.