

Define pappus theorems

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Lvl 1
15y ago

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theorems relating respectively to the volume and the surface area of a solid generated by the revolution of plane figure around an axis lying in the same plane. 1. when a plane figure is revolved about an axis lying in the same plane (but not cutting the area)The volume generated is equal to the product of the area and the length of the path described by the centre of gravity of the area . 2. When a plane curve is revolved about an axis lying in the same plane (but not cutting the curve) the surface area generated is equal to the product of the length of the curve and the length of the path of the centre of gravity of the curve.

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When did René Descartes invent the coordinates?

Descartes was a very philosophical person. In fact he's the father of modern philosophy He thought the world on 3 axes, he had to do this while he was trying to solve the riddle of pappus. But to be more specific he invented the coordinate system while he was sleeping with one oven at he's side and had 3 dreams. the answer you're looking for, is that "Descartes dreamt the coordinate system, then he did it reality on a compendium of one of he's 3 books of philosopy"

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sentencesSelf-dual configurationSelf-referenceSemigroupSending scouts into the desertSeparating point sets with a circleSequential CoalitionSequential compactnessSequential RuleSetSeven Circles TheoremSeven Terms Periodic SequenceShaggy Dog TheoremShape PropertyShapes in a latticeShapes of constant width Star Construction of Shapes of Constant WidthShapley-Shubik IndexShearing TransformShepard's Parallelogram IllusionShiftShimmer IllusionShip-Dock TheoremShredding the torusShuttle PuzzleSibling nodeSierpinski CarpetSierpinski gasket Dot Patterns and Sierpinski GasketSierpinski Gasket by Trema RemovalSieve of Eratosthenesσ-AlgebraSigned segmentSignum function, sign(t)Silver Dollar GameSimilar orderingsSimilar Triangles, theorem ofSimilaritySimilarity dimensionSimple continued fractionSimple graphSimple polygonSimplexSimson Line Simson Line From Isogonal PerspectiveSimson-Wallace TheoremSimpson's paradoxSimultaneous Contrast IllusionSimultaneous Contrast Illusion IISine LawSingle formula to express any integer with digits 0-9 each used just onceSix Circles Theorem (Elkies)Six Circles Theorem (Evelyn)Skolem SequenceSlider PuzzlesSlidersSlopeSlope-Intercept Equation of a Straight LineSocial ChoiceSoddy circlesSoddy LineSoddy pointsSolitaire in the CircleSomos-4 SequenceSoritesesSorobanSorting AlgorithmsSpanning TreeSperner's LabelingSperner's LemmaSperner's TheoremSphereSpieker CenterSpira MirabilisSpiral Similarity Miquel's Point of a 4-line Via Spiral SimilaritySplitterSplitting pilesSprague-Grundy functionSquareSquare numbersSquaring a circleSquaring ParabolaSquares and CirclesSquares, Circles, and TrianglesSquinting Eyes TheoremSSSStabilityStaircase IllusionStar PolygonsStar-shaped regionStationary pointSteiner Porism Steiner PorismSteiner's CircleSteiner's CurveSteiner's TheoremSteiner's and Kirkman's Theorems Pascal Lines: Steiner and Kirkman Theorems IISteinhaus' ProblemStereographic projection Stereographic Projection and Radical AxesStern-Brocot Tree Binary Encoding with the Stern-Brocot treeStern's diatomic seriesStewart's theoremStraight angleStraight Edge Only Construction of Polar w.r.t. an AngleStraight Edge Only Construction of Polar w.r.t. a CircleStraight lineStraight TrominoStrategy stealing in the game of HexStretchingSuan panSubfactorialSubgraphSubgroupSubjective contourSubtraction GameSuccessorSum RuleSums and ProductsSuperfactorialSupergraphSuperposition PrincipleSupplementary anglesSupporting lines of convex figuresSurjective functionSurreal numbers Surreal NumbersSurreal numbers and gamesSyllogism, Modes Ponens Syllogism, more generalSymmedianSymmedian pointSymmetric differenceSymmetric groupSymmetric relationSymmetry in circleSynthetic divisionSystem of Distinct RepresentativesT3-4-5 triangle3 glass puzzle3 glass puzzle, second, more general toolT-JunctionTake-Away GamesTangent PairTangent to two circlesCircle of SimilitudeTangential triangleTarski-Banach DecompositionsTaylor circleTaylor seriesTelescoping SeriesTernary number systemTessellationTesseractThales' TheoremThales' TheoremThe only rational triangleThe Two Men of Tibet ProblemThébault's Problem IThébault's Problem IIThébault's Problem IIITheorem of Complete QuadrilateralTheorem of TheaetetusThick setThin setThird ProportionalThree pancakes problemThree 3sThree 4sThree 5sThree Circles and Common TangentsThree circles problemThree Tangents TheoremThree Tangents TheoremToads And Frogs PuzzleToothpick Construction of a SquareTopological equivalenceTopological SpaceTopological transformationTopologyTorqueTorricelli point">TorusTotality (of a binary relation)Totally ordered setTower of HanoiSierpinski Gasket and Tower of HanoiBicolor Towers of HanoiToys and Tots problemTrachoidsTrain wheel quandaryTranscendental numbersTransfinite CardinalityTransitive groupsTransitivity in ActionTransivityTranslation TransformTranspose of a vectorTranspositionWhat, how, and the WebTransversalTransverse gallopTrapezoidTreeTrefoil knotTremaTriangle ClassificationTriangle Inequality, theAxioms of distance functionAbsolute Value of Complex NumberTriangle of SimilitudeTriangular BilliardTriangular numbersThere exist triangular numbers that are also squareTriangulationDiagonal TriangulationTrichotomy, the law ofTrigonometric Form of Ceva's TheoremTrigonometric Form of Complex NumbersTrilateral DiagramsTrilinear CoordinatesTrivial Ramsey NumberTrominoStraight TrominoTrotTucker CirclesTurnTurning TurtlesTweedledum & Tweedledee PrincipleTwin Circles of ArchimedesTwisted Cord IllusionTwo Butterflies TheoremTwo Butterflies Theorem IITwo coins puzzleTwo Envelopes ParadoxTwo Numbers Guessing GameTwo-squares identityUUniform convergenceUniform probability distributionUnion of setsUnique Factorization TheoremUniqueness of number 30Unit elementUnit FractionUnityUniversal QuantifierUPC-A encodingUrquhart's Theorem Urquhart's TheoremV ValueVan Obel Theorem, Determinants, and Barycentric Coordinates Gergonne and Van Obel TheoremsVan Aubel's theoremVan Schooten's theorem Van Schooten's and Pompeiu's TheoremsVarignon ParallelogramVecten's CollinearityVecten configurationVecten PointsVectorVector productVector SpaceVenn DiagramsVergingVersineVertexVertical AnglesVi�te's FormulasViewing a StatueViviani's TheoremW Walk on a graphWallace-Bolyai-Gerwien TheoremWallace's TheoremWasanWeb pollWebster's Method of ApportionmentWeierstrass-Bolzano propertyWeierstrass Product InequalityWeighted graphWeird curves bound normal areasWeitzenböck InequalityWell-ordered setWhat do you call a centipede?White's IllusionWhole numberWhole part function, [x]Wilson's TheoremWittenbauer's ParallelogramWord LaddersWord ProblemsWunderlich's Plane Filling CurvesWundt IllusionWundt Block IllusionWythoff's NimWythoff's Nim IIX XORX-interceptY Y Can't End in a DrawY-interceptY. Sawayama's LemmaYosanZ 0!=1Zaslavsky's theoremZeckendorf's theoremZenodorus TheoremZeroZipf's LawZöllner's Illusion

Related questions

What has the author Pappus Alexandrinus written?

Pappus Alexandrinus has written: 'Pappi Alexandrini collections guae supersunt'

What was pappus major contribution to math?

His contributions to projective geometry.

Who invented congruent triangle?

pappus of alexendria is the one who discovered congruent traingle

How many sepals does a marigold have?

A marigold flower typically has 5 sepals. Sepals are the leaf-like structures that protect the flower bud before it blooms.

What is the fluff of seeds called?

Thistledown - I'm assuming this is for the times jumbo crossword!

How does the fruit dandelion help in the dispersal of its seeds?

Dandelion seeds are attached to a feathery structure called a pappus, which acts like a parachute, allowing them to be carried by the wind to new locations. When the wind blows, the pappus helps the seeds to float away from the parent plant and cover greater distances for dispersal.

What is the english word for appooppanthadi?

Milk weed, For more please check apooppanthadi at Explore Kerala With Us YouTube channel

What is a pappus?

A pappus is a modified calyx consisting of bristles, hairs, scales, or other structures that aids in wind dispersal of seeds in plants. It helps in seed dispersal by providing a parachute-like structure that allows the seed to be carried away by the wind.

How do you say grandad in greek?

its παπούς (papus). sometimes it can be found with 2 p. [παππούς,pappus]papouli

What is the English word of malyalam word appooppanthadi?

it's "Pappus" , this word is derived from the Greek word Pappos.

Why are milkweed seeds light and feathery?

Milkweed seeds are light and feathery because they have a parachute-like structure called a pappus that allows them to be easily carried by the wind. This helps them disperse over long distances to find suitable locations for germination and growth.

What weed has many seeds with white fluff to help them fly through the air?

The weed you are referring to is likely the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). Dandelion seeds have white fluffy structures called pappus that allow them to be carried by the wind, helping with seed dispersal.