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An ogive is a type of graph that is used to represent the cumulative frequencies for the classes in a frequency distribution. This type of graph can also be known as a cumulative frequency graph. The cumulative frequency is the sum of the frequencies accumulated up to the upper boundary of a class in the distribution.

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Q: Definition of ogive diagram
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What are interpolation of ogive curve?

An ogive is a cumulative relative frequency diagram. Interpolation is definiting the midpoint (50%) of this line

What is the definition of 'ogive'?

In Architecture, a pointed or Gothic arch. In Statistics, a cumulative frequency graph.

What is an ogive curve?

Ogive is an free hand uprising curve

How you CAN draw an 'ogive'?

First, get a pencil, some paper and a stencil of an Ogive. Then you fill in the stencil. Job done

Is an ogive a graph of cumulative frequency distribution?

yes. An ogive is also known as a cumulative frequency graph.

What is the difference between an ogive and a frequency polygon?

The ogive never close because they represent non-decreasing functions, and polygon you close it.

What does the point of intersection of less than ogive and more than ogive correspond to?

the intersection of less and more than ogive gives us the median of the following data.. but the median is not accurate as we draw the free hand cumulative graph..

What is represented on the y axis to draw an ogive?

The y-axis of an ogive is always the cumulative frequencies while the x-axis is the class boundaries.

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A diagram that links elements of the domain and range.

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