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the intersection of less and more than ogive gives us the median of the following data..

but the median is not accurate as we draw the free hand cumulative graph..

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Q: What does the point of intersection of less than ogive and more than ogive correspond to?
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How will you find the median and the total frequency from the graph of less than ogive and more than ogive?

The median can be found out by drawing a perpendicular to the x-axis from the intersection point of both the ogives

The point of intersection of the less than and more than ogive corresponds to 1.geometric mean 2.mode 3. median 4.none of the above?


Which measure of central tendency is given by the x-coordinate of the point of intersection of a more than orgive and less than orgive?

The answer depends on what you mean by an "orgive" - which is not recognised as a word in the English language. If you mean an ogive, then the answer would be the median.

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How do you construct a more than type cumulative frequency distribution?

Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve) There are two ways of constructing an ogive or cumulative frequency curve. (Ogive is pronounced as O-jive). The curve is usually of 'S' shape. We illustrate both methods by examples given below: Draw a 'less than' ogive curve for the following data: To Plot an Ogive: (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 2), (20, 10), (30, 22), (40, 40), (50, 68), (60, 90), (70, 96) and (80, 100) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points plotted by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual lower limit of the first class. Scale: X -axis 1 cm = 10 marks, Y -axis 1cm = 10 c.f. Using the data given below, construct a 'more than' cumulative frequency table and draw the Ogive. To Plot an Ogive (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual lower limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (70.5, 2), (60.5, 7), (50.5, 13), (40.5, 23), (30.5, 37), (20.5, 49), (10.5, 57), (0.5, 60) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual upper limit of the last class [in this case) i.e., point (80.5, 0)]. Scale: X-axis 1 cm = 10 marks Y-axis 2 cm = 10 c.f To reconstruct frequency distribution from cumulative frequency distribution. When we write, 'less than 10 - less than 0', the difference give the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on. When we write 'more than 0 - more than 10', the difference gives the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on. Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve) There are two ways of constructing an ogive or cumulative frequency curve. (Ogive is pronounced as O-jive). The curve is usually of 'S' shape. We illustrate both methods by examples given below: Draw a 'less than' ogive curve for the following data: To Plot an Ogive: (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 2), (20, 10), (30, 22), (40, 40), (50, 68), (60, 90), (70, 96) and (80, 100) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points plotted by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual lower limit of the first class. Scale: X -axis 1 cm = 10 marks, Y -axis 1cm = 10 c.f. Using the data given below, construct a 'more than' cumulative frequency table and draw the Ogive. To Plot an Ogive (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual lower limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (70.5, 2), (60.5, 7), (50.5, 13), (40.5, 23), (30.5, 37), (20.5, 49), (10.5, 57), (0.5, 60) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual upper limit of the last class [in this case) i.e., point (80.5, 0)]. Scale: X-axis 1 cm = 10 marks Y-axis 2 cm = 10 c.f To reconstruct frequency distribution from cumulative frequency distribution. When we write, 'less than 10 - less than 0', the difference give the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on. When we write 'more than 0 - more than 10', the difference gives the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on.

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How would you draw a regular pentagon?

*Note that it is assumed you know what the terms diameter, perpendicular, bisect/bisection and intersection mean in relation to geometry. If not, they are explained in the discussion area. To construct a regular pentagon using a compass and ruler (a longer, but more precise method): # Draw a circle in which to inscribe the pentagon and mark the center point O. # Choose a point A on the circle; this will be one vertex of the pentagon. Draw the diameter line through O and A. # Construct a line perpendicular to the line OA passing through O. Mark its intersection with one side of the circle as the point B. # Construct the point C as the midpoint of O and B. # Draw a circle centered at C through the point A. Mark its intersection with the line OB(inside the original circle) as the point D. # Draw a circle centered at A through the point D. Mark its intersections with the original circle as the points E and F. # Draw a circle centered at E through the point A. Mark its other intersection with the original circle as the point G. # Draw a circle centered at F through the point A. Mark its other intersection with the original circle as the point H. # Construct the regular pentagon AEGHF. To construct a regular pentagon using a protractor (less time, but not as accurate): # Make a short line. This will be one side of the pentagon. Label the ends A and B # Place the baseline of the protractor on this line, with the centre at A. # Mark the point of 108o with a dot. # Make another line which starts at A, is the same length as AB and goes towards the dot. # Repeat the use of the protractor on the newest line you have drawn three more times. The final line should meet up with B.