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Q: Diagram of Aristotle's model of communication?
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Schramm's model of communication is a circular model that includes encoder, signal, decoder, feedback, and gatekeeper. The encoder encodes the message, which is then transmitted through the signal to the decoder for interpretation. Feedback is provided by the receiver to the sender, completing the communication loop. The gatekeeper controls the flow of information.

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The diagram of communication process shows the source of the message followed by encoding it. The channel is then followed by decoding and finally the message is received.

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There are three kinds of models of communication. They are linear model, interactive model, and transactional model. Communication is the key to success in life.

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actally... can u guys help me on this one?

What are the types and model of communication?

There are so many different types and models of communication. The most common include Aristotle's Model, Shannon-Weaver model, modern communication model and Thayer's model among others.