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Q: Did john Kepler create the first lunar map. is this true or false?
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The spacecraft they used to get the moon was reasuable . TRUE or FALSE?

The Answer is false. The Atlas boosters were used only once, and a new command module and lunar lander was used for each mission. The space shuttle was the first "reusable" spacecraft.

What was the first lunar lander called?

The first lunar lander was called the "Lunar Module" or "LM." It was a spacecraft designed to land astronauts on the moon as part of the Apollo program.

When is the first day of next lunar month?

The first day of the next lunar month can vary depending on the specific lunar calendar being used. In general, the lunar month begins with the new moon, so you will need to consult a lunar calendar or lunar phase calendar to determine the exact date of the new moon and thereby the first day of the next lunar month.

When was the first lunar trip?

The first lunar trip taken by man was in July, 1969. I watched it on the telly.

How did the Mayan's create their calendar?

the moon,starts,lunar,solar cycles

When was the Apollo lunar invented?

The Apollo Lunar Module was developed in the 1960s as part of the Apollo program by NASA, with the first successful manned landing on the moon occurring on July 20, 1969. The Lunar Module played a crucial role in transporting astronauts from lunar orbit to the moon's surface and back to the command module in orbit.

What was the name of the space shuttle involved in the first lunar landing?

The Apollo 11 mission, not a space shuttle, was involved in the first lunar landing. The lunar module named "Eagle" carried astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the Moon's surface on July 20, 1969.

What year did you first reach the lunar surface?

I myself have never reached the lunar surface. In 1959, the USSR sent the first man made object that reached the lunar surface. Ten years later, in 1969, the USA sent the first manned mission to the lunar surface.

When was the first Indian lunar's spacecraft launch and where?

India's first lunar space craft was launched in November 2008 at Sriharikota.

What was the first lunar module to orbit the earth?

The first lunar module to orbit the Earth was Apollo 9, launched by NASA in March 1969 as part of the Apollo program. It successfully completed its Earth orbit mission testing key systems in preparation for the upcoming moon landing missions.