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Q: Did renesmee bite Jacob at all since shes a vampire?
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What is present tense of bit?

Present tense is: I bite, you bite, he/she bites, we bite, they bite biting is the present participle I bit is the simple past I have bitten is the compound past I was biting or I used to bite is the imperfect I will bite is the future there are other tenses

What is the bite of '87?

The bite of 87 happened on 1987, when the crying child was pushed into Fredbear's mouth by his older brother and some other kids. His older brother shoved him into Fredbear's mouth and then one of the screws clicked, Fredbear had bitten the crying child's head, the bite was so strong that it cracked his skull. He was rushed to the hospital where the actions of FNAF 4 was going to happen.

What does the sarcastic expression 'bite me' mean?

It's basically rude and means bite my a**. The sarcastic expression 'bite me' means the same as get bent, get lost. Politely you could say, "Please leave me alone."

What kind of math do you need to learn to become a dentist?

you have to calculate the aproxamate spase and size your teeth are suposed to be for example if you have an under bite or an over bite.

I have a bite on my bottom half of my leg that came up yesterday Its painful and It is a circle diameter 3cm Its red and swollen It's making my leg ache?

The bite on your leg could be from anything from anything. You can figure out if in fact, it is a bug bite by looking for a microscopic hole in the middle of the bite. Most bites will go away by themselves, but if you are overly worried about it, seek help at your nearest Emergency Room.

Related questions

If Renesmee Cullen is growing quickly why don't Bella or Edward just bite her and make her into a full vampire?

Bella And Edward do not want to turn Renesmee into a full vampire because they think it's best since Jacob imprinted.

Does it hurt Jacob when Renesmee bites him?

It would only hurt as much as a puppy bite. She is a female half-vampire, and therefore has no venom (or at least, the venom is not effective). Only male half-vampires have venom.

Does Bella's baby bit anyone?

In the Twilight series, Bella's vampire-human hybrid baby, Renesmee, does not bite anyone. She is portrayed as a loving and gentle character, not displaying violent tendencies like traditional vampires.

How does Jacob fall in love with renesmee when he loves Bella?

Jacob's love for Renesmee is not romantic, but rather a bond formed through imprinting, a phenomenon in the Twilight series where a shapeshifter finds their soulmate. In this case, Jacob imprints on Renesmee as a protector and guide, akin to a big brother figure rather than a lover. His romantic love for Bella remains unchanged.

Why did Jacob believe Bella had died after renesmee's violent birth?

Jacob believed Bella had died after Renesmee's birth because he saw her lifeless body and assumed she had not survived the traumatic birthing process. Despite Rosalie's attempts to save her, Jacob was not aware of the vampire venom in Bella's system that would eventually transform her into a vampire and bring her back to life.

How does Bella react to Jacob imprinting on her daughter?

she gets mad at jacob,and then she jumps forward to bite him when he nicknames renesmee "nessie". but seth jumps in the way and he gets his arm broke! :)

Why does renesmee bite Bella?

In the "Twilight" saga, Renesmee unintentionally bites Bella while trying to communicate through her thoughts. Renesmee's hybrid nature means her bite carries venom that is toxic to vampires, hence the serious consequences of the bite for Bella.

Why did Jacob Black bite Renesmee Cullen?

Jacob Black bit Renesmee Cullen as a way to form a connection and bond with her as part of a werewolf imprinting ritual in the "Twilight" series. Imprinting is a supernatural phenomenon where a werewolf finds their soulmate, and in this case, Jacob imprints on Renesmee, creating a deep and unbreakable bond between them.

Why didn't edward bite Bella in new moon?

Because his family did a deal with the grand-parents of Jacob black [I'f a vampire bite's a human the deal is OFF]

If Jacob had a child with renesme what would it be?

In the Twilight series, Jacob and Renesmee have a unique relationship where Jacob imprints on her as a soulmate and protector, rather than a father figure. Therefore, their relationship would not be classified as a typical parent-child one.

In Breaking Dawn does Renesmee Cullen know not to tell any one the Vampire secret?

Yes she is a very smart child and understands. Just like she understands not to bite Charlie.

Do Jacob and renesmee kiss?

In the series no, but they most likely will in their long lives together so don't be disopointed :). Renesmee is only a toddler. But she bite Jacob plenty!