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Q: Did the governors exercise less power over colonial assemblies than the King did over Parliament?
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How does the way in which colonial assemblies usually exercise control over Royal officials in the colonies get directly challenged by the parliamentary acts of the 1760s?

The parliamentary acts of the 1760s took local authority away from Colonial assemblies.

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13th Infantry U-S- Army Bayonet Exercise Governors Island - 1897 was released on: USA: February 1897

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parliament exercise control over executive by making some provisions in the constitution which help parliament to control executive.

How frequently did the Board og Trade exercise its veto power over colonial legislation?

5 % of the time

How was the power of colonial governors limited?

The colonial governors were free to do what they needed to keep taxes rolling into the royal tax collectors EXCEPT they could not set or order their own salaries, which came from those same tax collectors. The colonial legislatures in each colony had the authority to approve or delay as long as they chose, the paying of a salary to the royal governor. In other words, if the governor made the colonists angry, he might never get paid.It was an early power given to the colonials since the king and crown did not want to pay the governor's salaries out of royal tax revenues. The governor was stuck trying to mollify the colonials and keep tax money rolling in to pay the bills, including his own.

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People have the right to rule themselves?

It is possible in a democracy, in which citizens (usually over 18) exercise their political rights through reperesentatives in Parliament. The parliament is the main law making body (legislative branch of government), so people take part in law-making indirectly.

Is Russia parliamentary?

Yes, Russia has a Parliament but it doesn't exercise as much power as it does in the US (called Congress). The real power in Russia is with the President and lately, with Putin as prime minister.

What is a direct demorcracy?

When citizens do not elect representatives to a kind of 'Parliament'. They exercise their political rights personally. It occurs in very small communities. But the best example is Athens about 2500 years ago.

What caused the American colonists' break with Great Britain?

Attempts by the British Parliament, with the support of the King, to exercise legislative powers over the colonies, particularly the power to tax, which had not been effectively exercised previously in colonial history. The colonists were used to making their own laws, and setting their own taxes, through their own elected legislatures. Since they had no representation in Parliament, Parliament's claim to be able to legislate and tax then itself, and enforce those laws with officers answerable to it rather than the colonies, meant the colonists would have no effective means of exercising and protecting their rights. Parliament could undo any of their laws and and tax them into utter poverty on a whim. When Parliament would not acknowledge the justice of the colonists grievances, and it became apparent that the king completely supported the parliament, the colonists decided to declare independence. For a more detailed accounting of just what the colonists were concerned about, read the Declaration of Independence, not just the first few lines that everybody memorizes in school, but the whole thing. Jefferson gives a long list of charges against the king and Parliament showing why the king was a tyrant unfit to rule.

An absolute monarch holds very little power?

Actually, quite the opposite. Absolute monarchs exercise supreme power; similar to a despot, or dictator; and are bound by no laws of a constitution, or parliament.

How might the exercise of freedom of assembly conflict with individual rights and freedoms?

Because assemblies can occur in parks, streets, and other public places, they can interfere with people's rights to use those facilities. For example, a protest group might block a sidewalk and restrict the access of passersby.