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Q: Did three million people lose their jobs in 2010?
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How many people lost their jobs in 2010?

20 million

How many nursing jobs will be available in 2010 2011?

about 2.74 million

How many people work in the tourism industry in Greece?

Employment(2009) within the tourism economy is estimated at 192.2 million jobs (one in every 12.4 jobs in the formal sector). By 2010, this should grow to 251.6 million jobs (one in every 11 formal sector jobs).wishing you all the best & and if you need any more details please contact me. my email.drfaourio@gmail.comdrfaouri

What is the number of people employed in New Jersey?

There are a variety of jobs in New York City. On record, there are about 65,000 jobs to chose from in NYC. One of the interesting things is that there are new jobs everyday and also some jobs are disappearing.

How many jobs were lost in 2010?

Approximately 1.1 million jobs were lost in the United States in 2010, mainly due to the lingering effects of the 2008 financial crisis. This represented a significant decrease in employment levels across various industries.

How many people lost their jobs during 2008 2010 in America?

over a million -Anna Eight million, according to President Obama. Four million in the last six months of 2008, and another 4 million during the first six months of 2009. Unregulated banking nearly destroyed this country.

What percent of people don't have jobs in Russia?

7.6% as at 2010

How many people work in primary secondary and tertiary jobs in Brazil?

Primary 6% Secondary 30% Tertiary 64% GDP 111%

What type of jobs do Austrian have?

Most of austrias 8.2 million people live in cities and towns and work in manufacturing or service jobs

How many people are laid off of jobs every year?

About 1.2 million people get laid off a year.

What types of jobs do most Austrian's have?

Most of austrias 8.2 million people live in cities and towns and work in manufacturing or service jobs

How where the woman affected when three million men went to war?

Women had to take over the jobs traditionally done by the men.