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All three are measures of distribution. they hep us understand the distribution of a series of data points. or otherwise said, if you had to guess what something was and you had a whole bunch of estimates, what is the best guess.

If the data has a couple spikes (a modal distribution) say there were a few ones, a couple twos, a whole bunch of threes, a few fours, a whole bunch of fives, and a few sixes, than the graph would spike at three and five. To generate a best guess from a set of data that is "modal" you use the "mode".

If the data is non-modal but leans toward one end or the other. Say a lot of ones, a lot of twos, good number of threes, some fours, some fives, we'd say this data is "skewed". The best guess for a skewed distribution of data is going to be the median which is the mathematical middle point in a rank order list of data points.

If the data was "normally distributed" or had a few ones, few more twos, bunch of threes, few less fours, and only a few fives than we'd say the data was normally distributed, or a "bell curve". In the case of normally distributed data the mean is your best measure.

all three are averages. all three describe a collection of data. Which of the three best describes the data depends on the data distribution.

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