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Of a set of data the mode is the most, the median is the middle value in ascending order and the mean is the sum of the values divided by the number of values.

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Q: What is generally correct about the relation between the mode median and mean?
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What is the relation between mean median and mode?

In a symmetric distribution, the mean and the median are the same. Otherwise there is no relation. In symmetric distributions with only one mode, the mode will coincide with the mean and median, but otherwise there is no relation.

What is the relation between mean mode median in symmetric normal distribution?

They are all the same.

Define mean median and range?

The mean is the average, the median is the middle, and the range is the difference between largest and smallest number. These terms are generally used in math.

Is forty a median number?

Any number can be a median, so for the correct set of values, 40 could be a median.

What is the median between 18 and 22?

20 is the median between 18 and 22.

Why calculate for the mean and median in relation to a sample?

Both the mean and median represent the center of a distribution. Calculating the mean is easier, but may be more affected by outliers or extreme values. The median is more robust.

What is the relation between median and D 50 value?

For a set of data, the 50% percentile measure is the median. I've seen this referred to as the P50 measure. It is also referred to as the "d5" measure or the fifth decile. or Q2 measure of the second quartile. See related links.

What is the nature of symmetry if median is greater than the mean?

Generally, when the median is greater than the mean it is because the distribution is skewed to the left. This results in outliers or values further below the median than above the median which results in a lower mean value than median value. When a distribution is skewed left, it is generally not very symmetrical or normally distributed.

What is the median between these?


What is the median of 1000?

The median of 1000 is the mid-point between 500 and the 501500.5

What is the median of 22 and 33?

The median is 27.5 which is halfway between the two numbers.

How do I calculate the median in a set of numbers?

Put the numbers in order. The odd one in the middle is the median: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (4 is the median). If even numbers, it is between the two middle numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (between 4 and 5 is the median).