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In the 8085, the LDA instruction loads the accumulator from memory, while the STA instruction stores the accumulator to memory. LDA is a read, while STA is a write. LDA is opcode 3AH, while STA is opcode 32H.

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Q: Difference between LDA and STA instruction in 8085?
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What is the difference between LDA and STA instructions?

In the 8085, the LDA instruction loads the accumulator from memory, while the STA instructionstores the accumulator to memory. LDA is a read, while STA is a write. LDA is opcode 3AH, while STA is opcode 32H.

What is lda in microprocessor?

LDA is an Intel 8085 opcode, 3AH, that loads that accumulator from a location specified in memory.

What is LDA in 8085?

I believe it is the Load A instruction- Load the A register. The operand would contain the value to load into the register, or if indirect, it would point to the address where the value is contained. indirect addressing can be relative or absolute.

Subtraction of two 8 bit numbers using 8085?

Mvi c lda 4150h mov b,a lda 4151 sub b jnc loop cma inr a inr c sta 4152 mov a,c sta 4153 hlt

Why do use cisc and risc processor?

in cisc concept instruction set is complex but in case of risc the ins truction are reduced. for example for mov operation many instruction are there as mov,mvi,sta,lda,lhld,shld,stax,ldax etc. but in case of risc only load and store(lda ,sta) are used for all as in case of ARM processors.

Can anyone help you with a 8085 assembly language program for average of 2 numbers?

LDA first_number MOV B,A LDA second_number ADD B RRC XRI 7FH STA result This simply takes two numbers and adds them together. Then it divides the result by 2, by shifting to the right. The numbers are unsigned, and there is no handling for overflow.

What is a direct address in language?

It means speaking to someone directly. Susan, clean up your room. Bob, hand me a flashlight. I told you already, Mom, I am not going. In these sentences, the direct address is to Susan, Bob, and Mom.

How many clock cycle is needed to execute LDA?

It is a 3 byte instruction, with one byte for opcode and the other two for the 16bit address. It takes four machine cycles (one to fetch opcode, one to fetch lower order address, one to fetch higher order address and another one to fetch the data from the memory)... i.e. it takes 13 time states to perform the LDA instruction

Is ime lda may pregnant?

No no no no no no no no no

8085 program code for n prime number or not?

Lda 3000mov c,acpi 02hjz 2025cpi 01hjz 202dcpi 01hjz 202dmvi b,02hsub bjz 202djnc 2015inr bmov a,ccmp bjz 2025jnz 2015mvi a,01sta 27f6jmp 2032mvi a,0esta 27f6call 06fahlt

What is ltda Brazil?

Ltda. "(trade name or corporate) or in the corporate name of the company ... If the word"limited "(sometimes abbreviated Lda Lda or Ltda

Multiplication 16 bit program for 8085?

Lxi b, 0000h lhld 8000h xchg lhld 8002h dcx d l006: lda 8002h add l mov l, a lda 8003h adc h mov h, a jnc l013 l013: inx b dcx d mov a, d ora e jnz l006 shld 8006h mov l, c mov h, b shld 8004h hlt