There is no difference...same thing
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points, a line is the delineation of a connection between two or more points.
the answer
A cubic line is in a cube shape line. and Parabola is a straight line
a straight line is mainly x2 a curved line is mainly x3
The difference between a road lane and a line is the direction of travel on the roadway. In a road lane situation, there are usually two lanes divided by a white dotted line, traveling in the same direction. If there is a center line, (yellow solid or yellow dotted) the direction of travel is one lane each way.
i don't know can somebody explain me please
The length of a 400-meter track is actually measured along a "measuring line" that is located in lane 1. The measuring line is exactly 400 meters. The actual location of the measuring is based upon whether there is a raised curb on the inside of track, or not. Go to NCAA.ORG for the specific measurement to the lane. It's approxiamtely 30 from the outside edge of the interior lane 1 line (which is 2-inches wide) for raised curbs, and approximately 20 cm from the outside edge of the interior lane 1 line for no curbs at all.
Yes there is a large difference between the two. A line has no end and a line segment ends.
What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit
It would be the same because they line you up further ahead the more outside you get in the starting line to make up for the difference.
its difference
Entering and exiting the carpool lane on the freeway is regulated by the type of line on the right hand side of the lane. The driver can enter or exit the lane only when the lane is not bordered by a white solid line.
The difference between a perpendicular line and a parallel line is that a perpendicular line crosses or joins, while a parallel line doesn't touch at all.
There is no difference...same thing
a lane is normally very small and a road is normally very long and mre likely to have many shops/building
The lane is between the lines of the paint (the lines where the players line up rebound a foul shot) all the way down the court.