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That would be called a "stable" or "static" population - essentially unchanging.

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Q: What is The state of a population where the number of births plus immigrants equals the number of deaths plus emigrants?
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Subtract number of emigrants from number of immigrants per 1000 people?

To calculate the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per 1000 people, subtract the number of emigrants from the number of immigrants. This will give you the net migration rate per 1000 people.

What does it mean if a population is in equilibrium?

The birth rate and the Death rate are equal, providing there is no immigration/emigration of the population.

What does the term to foot a column mean?

Number of deaths per 1,000 people per year: Death rate, Average number of children women have in a lifetime: Fertility rate, Subtract number of emigrants from number of immigrants per 1,000 people: Migration rate, Subtract total number of deaths and emigrants from total number of births and immigrants per 1,000 people: Growth rate

What is Scotland's mortality rates?

10.7 births/1,000 population 11.0 deaths/1,000 population Infant mortality - 4.9 deaths/1,000 live births

What are some factors that can change a population?

Deaths and births in the group/population

What changed the UK population?

Births, deaths, migration.

What 2 factors cuased a change in population?

Deaths and births in the group/population

Does population growth equal birth rate minus the death rate?

Yes and no. "Natural increase" is births minus deaths. "Population growth" includes immigration and emigration too! So populations can have a negative natural increase (more deaths than births) but still have population growth because immigrants enter the country and settle there permanently (migration). Case in point - the USA.

How is population growth measured?

It is calculated by using the Death rate and Birth rate to give an estimated population growth statistic. If there are more deaths than births there is a decline, and if there are more births than deaths then there is a population increase.

What conditions tend to increase the size of a population?

Births exceed deaths

Who writes down the births deaths and vital statistics of a population?

A demographer

What does the population do when the number of births is greater than the number of deaths?

It increases.