

Different types of variables

Updated: 12/19/2022
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13y ago

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In statistics or data management, there are two main types of variables. Each of these types of variables can then be divided into two more types of variables.

1. Categorical variable

A categorical variable is commonly known as a qualitative variable. Every response can be placed into a category. A response may fit into a specific category (mutually exclusive), or it may fit into a category such as "other" along with other responses (exhaustive). Categorical variables are either nominal or ordinal. A nominal variable is a word that describes a category (i.e. horse, dog, cat) and the order does not matter. An ordinal variable uses categories that have to be placed in an order (i.e. very bad, bad, ok, good, very good).

2. Numeric variable

A numeric variable is a variable that is expressed by a real number. It is commonly referred to as a quantitative variable. Numeric variables can either be continuous or discrete. A continuous variable is variable that can assume an infinite number of real values (i.e. 2.345....). These variables are often grouped into class intervals. A discrete variable is a variable with a finite number of real values (i.e. shoe size).

Grade 12 Data Management class

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